The Richman - Tears

Arriving at the house, Richard helped Christabell to get out of the car and into the room.

"You can go straight to sleep." Richard smiled but Christabell shook her head.

"I want to wash my face," She said.

"I'll help you," Richard led Christabell to the sink and accompanied Christabell to wash her face and brush her teeth as well. After that Richard took one of the sleeping pajamas so that Chrsiatbell could change into her pajamas.

"Change your clothes with this," Richard said while handing Christabell's nightgown.

"Thank you," Christabel replied. She tried to take off the button of her shirt but it seems so difficult. Even she tried hard she can't take off of them at all, Richard's jaw clenched even as Christabell seemed to struggle to unbutton his shirt.

"You want me to help you?" Richard asked.

Christabell's teary eyes looked at Richard as she nodded, "Yes please." She said in a trembling voice.