The Richman - At Paul's House (Part II)

Ben and Leah return to the house, He stops in the living room while Leah goes into the room to get pillows and blankets.  Meanwhile the old man, Paul also hasn't slept, he certainly won't allow this young man from a rich family to take advantage to his daughter. He slowly got up from his room and peeked into the keyhole of his bedroom door which was directly opposite the living room.

Ben seemed to be trying to lie down comfortably, but the sofa in Paul's house was so narrow and small, even the cushions were too hard for Ben to lie down comfortably.

"What kind of punishment is this." Ben mumbled to himself.  From behind, Leah came over and handed him a pillow.

"I know that was not comfortable for you." Leah said. "You can use it, it may help you feel better." Leah smiled briefly.

"Thanks," Paul replied, he put the pillow on the chair and fell back down, but still, his legs were too long to hang over the armrests on the sofa.