The Richman - Second Time

-Leah POV-

Ben chose Lissenung island in Papua New Guinea for his honeymoon, of course without my consent, this was part of the wedding gift for me, he said. This is a private island, there are only four bungalows and the island can only accommodate a maximum of 14 people.

So it's very private. We only meet local people here, they will prepare all our needs, also deliver our food. The island is also not very wide, it only takes about ten to fifteen minutes to explore this island.

We have now occupied one of the bungalows on the island. We rested in a room after a long and tiring journey. Even if it's for a honeymoon, the long trip feels so good, because I went with the man I love. I'm clinging to Ben's arms, and he's playing his fingers over my bare arm, "You like the place?" He asked broke the silence of the night. 

I turn my eyes to him, "Perfect." My answer. "Have you been to this place before?" I added.