Chapter 7

"Rise. I hoped you weren't waiting too long, Lady Diona."

"I dare not trouble my Lady." Lady Diona straightened her back and smiled.

Cailina nodded and gestured her to start.

Lady Diona was sent by His Majesty, her presence was the confirmation that Cailina is set to be the future Crown Princess. Lady Diona was the tutor of the daughters and daughters-in-law of the Imperial Family. She was appointed as Esteemed Supervisor of the Imperial Harem. Matters relating to the Inner Palace were also reported to her; after all, a man cannot understand a woman's mind.

"Lady Cailina, I presumed that you are well-versed of the protocol of the noble circle..." She pulled out a book, as thick as a palm of a man, which contained portraits of the Imperial Harem.

"I will now brief you with the hierarchy of the Inner Palace."

Cailina listened attentively, albeit finding the lesson dull.

"The Imperial Consorts are below the Empress and the Queen. You are aware that the former kingdoms offer their most noble and beautiful maiden when a new Emperor is appointed."

"Is it possible that a woman from a different kind be Empress?" Cailina asked.

"If the woman has our kind's blood, it is possible."

"How about the Imperial Queen?"

Lady Diona patiently answered all of her questions, "The Imperial Queen differs greatly from the Empress, it is not an issue if Her Serene Highness came from different origins. You are aware that our Serene Highness is a human with nymphian blood."

"The role of the Empress maintains the balance of the Imperial Family, she cares for the womenfolk of our noble circle."

"Lady Diona, does the Empress possess military power?"

"Oh dear no, it is the Empress Regent that possesses political and military authority." Lady Diona elaborated, "If His Majesty is unable to perform his duties, the Empress will temporarily take the Imperial Insignia to mobilize and command the Royal Council. After Her Majesty assumes the mantle, the Imperial Queen performs Her Majesty's responsibilities."

She placed her hand on her chest, "Let's pray that kind of matter never happens."

Seeing that Cailina had no further questions, Lady Diona continued.

"Within the four Imperial Consorts, they are bestowed different ranks depending on how much His Majesty favored them. The first rank Imperial Consort is Benevolent Consort Makrona. Her Ladyship of the Naugrim Tribe earned the grace of His Majesty through her vivid embroidery."

After Lady Diona stated the other remaining Imperial Consorts. She proceeded to narrate the distinguished Noble Concubines, "... The Noble Concubines are the women that exceed in talent and beauty. They are below Her Majesty the Empress, Her Serene Highness the Queen, and the Honoroble Imperial Consorts."

"If I may ask, how many talented women are a part of the Noble Concubines?"

Lady Diona smiled, "As of now, there are thirty brilliant women and among them, five were praised by His Majesty. Darling Noble Concubine Mei as the beloved of the Emperor."

'I don't think I can handle my husband having plenty of women.' Cailina lamented in her heart. Of course, she was aware that men with power can do as they wish, but the idea of sharing her husband doesn't sit well within her heart.

"You have nothing to fear my Lady, as long as you perform your duties well, His Highness the Crown Prince will surely remember you."

Lady Diona patted Cailina's hand as she tried to ease the young lady's worries.

"Now, the duties of the Mother of the Nation. Her Majesty is responsible for greeting the honorable women visiting our Empire. She manages the Imperial Harem with my assistance. As future Crown Princess, you are responsible for assisting the Empress. Learn from her while you are in your youth."

"What does the Imperial Queen do?"

Lady Diona flipped the book on the page of which stated the duties of the Queen.

"Her Serene Highness, the Queen ought to act as Her Majesty, the Empress' aide. She was appointed by His Majesty on the advice of Her Majesty. If Her Majesty has official work, Her Serene Highness will temporarily assume Her Majesty's responsibility." Lady Diona added, "Do Lady Cailina have someone in mind to be your future aide?"

Cailina pondered for a while before answering. In reality, she has none. Most of the noble young ladies try to distance themselves from her. After considering, Cailina shook her head.

"For now, I have no one." She smiled, "When I returned to the capital, I will keep it in mind."

Lady Diona continued her lesson, "You have to be wary of your image, at all times; remember that you will be the person who will accompany His Highness for life."

"... The children of the Empress are superior to the children of the other women within the Imperial Harem..."

Time slipped away, and the fifth hour of the day arrived. Lady Diona concluded her class and dismissed Cailina.

The sun was at its peak when the lesson ended. Feeling famished, Cailina went to the east terrace.

"Call for Aris, I want him to join me for tea."

As the tea grew cold, Aris arrived with a sweet smile.

"Lady~ How was your lesson?"

He sat opposite to Cailina, and the servants began to serve refreshments.

"It was alright. I had a hard time with my lesson with Lady Diona."

"Why? Did she gave a surprise assessment?" Aris' cheeks bulged as he ate the pastries.

"No, it concerns about the Imperial Harem."

Cailina sighed as she saw Aris' clueless face, "When I will be married into the Imperial Family, I have to share my husband. That... I don't feel well if I think about it."

Aris put down his fork and wiped the side of his lips, "I really don't understand why men of our Empire desire to have hundreds of wives. I really don't, and to think that my Lady will be one of them in the near future."

Aris' mood became gloomier, he hated the fact that he couldn't do anything for his Lady.

'If I could marry you, I will. Without a second of delay.'

"Well, the marriage of nobles were known as alliances of power."

"Is it rare to marry for love?" Aris inquired. His milky voice was sweet melodies for Cailina.

'What an innocent question.' Cailina giggled.

"Yes, I think it's almost impossible."

Aris poked his cheek with his finger and asked, "Then, her Lady's parents didn't marry for love?"

Indeed, even Cailina's parents married for the purpose of strengthening her father's foundation. Her mother, Duchess Amelia, was the daughter of a merchant. The wealthiest merchant of the Empire, Mr. Mausé, met Duke Grandis when he was in an auction. The two gentlemen bid for the same rare gem, it was an intimidating and amusing scene when both of them have no signs of retreating and kept throwing a higher bid than the other.

It was deemed impossible for a nobleman to marry a commoner, but with the connection of her mother with the Lady of Talents of the Noble Concubines; the Emperor blessed the marriage of her parents.

'In the future, the thing that will help a person most is his own connections.' Cailina noted in her mind.

Remembering how much money her mother has, Cailina couldn't help but smile. There will be endless benefits if someone's marriage was considered a good match. Cailina never cared for hopeless things like love, for her; it's better to have a stable life than dying in the streets for this so-called heart's will.

"Indeed. As you can see, being their only daughter benefited me. Love? What an absurd thing!"

Aris pursed his lips, for someone like him, he believes wholeheartedly on love. His kind's Goddess prepared a person for them to spend their lives with, and hearing the words of Cailina made his heart uncomfortable.

"Oh..." Aris remained silent while Cailina sipped on her tea with high spirits, forgetting her recent lesson about sharing her husband without hesitation.

Cailina widened her eyes as she remembered to ask Aris about his past, "Oh, by the way. How did you end up near our mansion?"

Aris froze, he clenched his fists until it turned white. His heart began pounding within his chest as he avoids Cailina's stare. Realizing that there's no room for secrecy, he said in a soft voice, "My parents were killed. They helped me escape in exchange for their lives."

What Aris had said was the truth, yet Cailina sensed that there was still something. She remained silent and waited for Aris to open up. Cailina never persuades somebody for something. If the person has even a hint of hesitation, it's better that he keep it to himself.

"I ran as fast as I could. It was a miracle that I escaped. My parents' murderers were mysterious, when my father tried to investigate the person behind the threats he received, he always grasps the end of the line."

Aris looked down and his sight became blurry, as he relived the moment he heard his parents' cries and the howls of the murderers. It was something he refuses to remember.

Despite the vague view due to his tears, he lifted his face and smiled, "I am grateful to be saved by you, my Lady."