Chapter 9

"Stop running, you might trip." Cailina said.

The weather was neither cold nor hot, and the streets were bustling with life. Both nobles and commons mingled together as they passed through the stalls. The sellers busied themselves attracting passersby. Joyous shouts and laughter floated in the atmosphere. It was a sight to behold for Aris. He never saw many people at once. The excitement overcame him, and he dashed out of the carriage and was almost lost in the sea of people.

Aris rushed to the nearest stall. The mini muffins that the human seller, with an average look of a common housewife, displayed grabbed his attention, "I would like to buy two." He raised his two fingers with a smile. The woman wrapped the muffins in paper and handed the warm bread to Aris. Ria handled the payment, and he strutted back to his Lady's side.

"Would you like some muffin, my Lady?" He offered, albeit unwilling to part with the snack.

"No, you can eat it." Cailina pushed away the muffin. She was used to eating gourmet food; it would be bad for her stomach to consume what commons usually have daily. Aris happily retracted his hand and ate the muffin. The two strolled around, and they saw entertainers performed to attract children in persuading their parents in buying random things. It was quite a successful strategy. Cailina observed different types of pushovers.

A clown who did magic tricks caught Aris' interest. The performer was standing on a platform for all children to see. Aris blended himself alongside the other children and watched in awe. He was amazed at how the clown did his trick, and he committed himself that he will learn how to do tricks to entertain his Lady. The clown showed a coin in his hand and after closing his palm; the coin disappeared. The gullible children clapped and cheered, but Cailina remained detached. She rolled her eyes inwardly, 'How childish.' She thought.

The show continued, and Cailina waited for Aris until he had enough, but to her disappointment, Aris had no signs of breaking away from the immature performance. The loud laughs and cheers irritated her. Cailina couldn't bear with the clown's forced laugh any longer. She grabbed Aris by the collar and dragged him away.

"Enough. Let's go somewhere else." Cailina said in a dour tone. She refused to endure the mediocre show, and she will not let Aris see it until he has been fully absorbed and become a clown.

Cailina's sudden action confused Aris. He was having the time of his life and then was abruptly stopped. He didn't get to watch the last trick that Mr. Clown was performing. It would have been a nice trick to show Cailina. Aris pouted and silently held his Lady's hand. He resigned himself to wherever she wanted to go.

Every stall and shop that hooked Aris' appetite or interest, whether it may sell a completely useless item or a high-priced product, Cailina would buy everything he wanted without hesitation. The bags piled up as they passed by every seller. Ria's expression hid annoyance. She disliked that her Lady overspent for a dog. Her sour mood became apparent and Cailina was the first to notice. Ria saw Aris as a child that was robbed of luxuries of nobles.

"Let's have some refreshments," Cailina spoke out.

The two stopped at Kafenie. It was famous for its view of the entire middle circle. The café was every nobleman's place of leisure. The aromatic scent entered their noses, Aris was euphoric as he saw the pastries that were showcased behind a glass. He gulped and glanced at Cailina, whose face showed dissatisfaction. He panicked as he thought he was the reason, but in reality, Cailina couldn't wait to whip Ria a thousand times. Her temper wouldn't allow her to react violently. She bore with it until she found a reason to dismiss her.

A young server approached them with a respectful attitude. He appeared as one of those flower boys that old ladies loved, ginger-haired with a few freckles on his small face that added charm, "Would you like to proceed in the second level, my Lady?"

"No, take us to the third floor and prepare a private room with the best scenery." Cailina answered. The server then led them onto the third floor exclusive to the noblest persons.

The shop's atmosphere was inline with the nobles' preferences. Elegant furnishings and hushed staff have earned the title of the best café in the Duchy of Grandis. Although, it wouldn't compare to those sophisticated shops at the capital. The shop also had excellent rooms that prevent ears from listening, an ideal place for secret meetings.

Cailina let Aris choose what he wished to eat. It was to make up for her interruption when Aris enjoyed watching the clown. The server handed the menu to the beaming puppy. Aris looked at the list for a moment and ended up ordering all the bestsellers. The cost didn't concern Cailina as her family never lacked money. As they waited, Aris stared at the scene outside the window. He was at peace and grateful for his wish to enjoy a moment like this. His mind wandered back to where he was used to; it was all black and white. A memory that he will never forget even if wanted.

After a brew of tea went by, Cailina called out to Aris. She noticed that the rim of his eyes was red. She frowned at the thought her puppy got affected by Ria's mood. It was a good thing that she prepared a separate room for that maid of hers, farthest from where Cailina and Aris were at. Although Ria was selected by the Duke, she wouldn't blatantly disagree with her Lady's arrangements.

The food was served, and Aris was still in a trance, gazing at the busy streets. He was engulfed with his memories. Cailina sensed something was wrong; it was unusual for Aris to lose his liveliness. She tapped her teacup with a spoon, and Aris snapped back to reality. He sheepishly smiled at her, covering up the gloominess in his heart as his eyes regained their familiar luster.

"This is all that you have ordered." Cailina presented the food, "Whatever that is bothering you, you can talk to me. Those things will no longer affect you, for I will chase them away." She smiled and pushed the strawberry cake to Aris.

Aris' sight blurred as he took a spoonful of the cake. He tried his best to hold back his tears. He was determined that he wouldn't show his weak appearance to his Lady. After calming himself down, he looked up and his lips curved upward, "I know that my Lady will never leave me."

Cailina signaled the young server, and he approached with a bow, "Call someone to perform."

The server left and returned with a young girl that was older by a few years than them. She was wearing common clothes with a pendant hanging at her thin neck. The pendant was the same as the young server was wearing. Simple yet a clear declaration of their true identity. Cailina examined the frail girl; she was holding a flute that made her pale hands even paler. She shuddered when her eyes met Cailina's piercing amber orbs. Cailina smirked at the sign of fear that the young girl has.

"Play a song for us. Refrain from any depressing ones." Cailina ordered and turned her attention back to her precious puppy.

Aris found his Lady's aura amazing. She can make someone older than her feel terror. He was glad that he wasn't the focus of Cailina's intimidating side. He sighed in relief and looked at the young girl. She was pleasing to the eye, her brown hair seemed to glow under the soft light of the sun. Aris sneered in his heart, he didn't have a good feeling.

The duo ate their hearts away while the mellow tune of the flute sounded in the air. It was impressive that the young girl's skills didn't disappoint Cailina. She set out a net to trap the fish in, "I got the tickets for the circus tomorrow night. Do you still wish to go? I might pass by the Dou Market."

The young girl stopped, she widened her eyes in disbelief. Cailina noticed that the fish had been caught and let out a small smile, "Today's shopping must have tired Ria, do you want to accompany me tomorrow?"

Aris paused and thought for a moment. He was intrigued by his Lady's that showed great interest, "Okay, I will go where my Lady will go." Aris agreed and continued eating his triple chocolate cake.

Cailina smiles, Aris was a child without awareness. She didn't explain what the Dou Market was, but it's best if he shouldn't know. He will be in for a surprise tomorrow. What matters most now was the prey had been lured.