Ria turned around and saw a woman standing at the door, "What are you doing here?"
The woman gulped and closed her fists, "Oh... I'm sorry for intruding. I heard movements here, so I…" She looked up, her misty eyes stared at Ria clouded ones, "I brought a scented candle. It will help you sleep well."
Lillian placed the candle on the table and shuffled her way out. The room returned to its usual stillness. She sighed, and the soothing scent permeated the air. Another sleepless night. She needs to see a doctor. Her hallucinations would sometimes see objects floating or shadows in the corner of her vision.
"It's been a year…" Duke Grandis said.
Ria kept her head bowed as the Duke reminisced of her coming here in the residence. She had grown attached to the little girl of the Grandis. Gripped the last hope of her life, uneasiness crept within her heart as she waited for the Duke to finish his words. He sighed and turned to look at her.
"I will send Cailina to the fief to lie low. You have my full confidence in keeping her safe and report all her actions to me." He placed a seal on the table, "Use this as a mean of authenticity for your reports."
Duke Grandis dismissed her, and she fell into a train of thought. Ria returned to Cailina, who's engrossed with her books. Her cheeks bulged and bits of strawberry cake painted on her white face.
"My Lady…" Ria said.
Cailina looked up and smiled, "Are you done?"
Ria reciprocated with a warm one and wiped the fluffy cheeks, "Yes, I apologize for the inconvenience."
The carriage rattled on its way to the fief. Traveling for a week had tired Rai, but the little girl showed nothing but a distant gaze.
"My Lady, it's cold up in the north. Please wear your coat."
Cailina glanced at the warm clothing and furrowed her brows, "No, I don't need it."
She sighed as she understood the reason her Lady was acting like that. Although she was matured than the rest of her peers, she still has the heart of a child. Duke Grandis seemed heartless in Cailina's heart. Ria closed her mouth and observe the girl in front of her, barely out of milk, but was forced to act like a noble's son.
"Why do you keep sighing?" Cailina asked, "You're not scared of the dogs, aren't you?"
Ria shook her head. It wasn't the wolves she was afraid of. The thought of losing sight of her salvation scared her. She only hoped that nothing would disrupt her work.
The journey ended, and the carriage stopped at a simpler mansion, yet never lost its lofty appearance. Ria helped her Lady alight the carriage and went over to fetch the personal luggage of Cailina, which was a case filled with books.
"Welcome my Lady." The butler said.
"The matter I have requested?"
The butler smiled and bowed, "Everything has been settled."
Cailina nodded and entered the mansion. Ria followed behind. The small back of her Lady appeared unnerving, such countenance for a little girl. After Ria finished familiarizing herself with her new room, a knock sounded on the door.
A frail-looking woman smiled as she saw Ria's youthful look, "Someone wants to meet you."
She let the woman lead her to the lounge room, "Doctor, here is the patient."
The door closed, and Ria was alone with a man who's old enough to be her great grandfather, "Take a seat, lady?"
"It's just Ria."
"Ah, miss Ria…" The man pulled out a few bottles of pills, "I've heard from Lady Cailina that you were suffering from repetitive nightmares?"
She stared at the bottles on the table and closed her fists and looked away. The man saw Ria's complicated look and laughed, "It seems that you have a close relationship with your master, keep up the excellent work."
"Take two of these pills in the morn, and before you go to bed." The man tipped his hat and left.
"Ria..." a voice called out, "Why on earth are you crying?"
The voice rang in Ria's ears as she blinked her way to reality. She saw her Lady, standing hand in hand with the dog she loathed.
"Wipe your tears, we're returning," Cailina said and turned her back.
Ria composed herself and silently followed behind her master. The mysterious man that led her to the Grandis remained a fuzzy face for her. The way back passed. As the carriage stopped, the cool breeze blew. The mansion appeared daunting for the little maid. She drowned in her pool of memories.
Cailina cleared her throat as she glanced outside the carriage door. Ria alighted and receive her Lady's hand. The small hand touched her cold one, a memory flashed into her sight causing her to abruptly tugging Cailina. Aris saw the scene and grabbed the falling Cailina.
"Can you be more careful?" Aris glared at the dumbstruck maid.
"I- I am… I deserve to punishment." Ria kneeled.
"Be careful next time." Cailina brushed off her hand. It will only exhaust her to deal with such a pointless discipline, "Remember to take your medications. Your symptoms seem to act up."
After being dismissed by Cailina, she headed towards her room when a footman stopped her. The boy held a letter in his hand and waved it in front of Ria, "A letter for ya."
She frowned, it was impossible for any of her family to send her a letter as she had silenced them personally, "Who was it that sent this?"
"No idea." The footman shoved the letter to her and left, Ria stared at the sealed envelope.
She laid in her bed and sighed. The day had been eventful for a maid like her. She was bound to lose her work, now. She wouldn't let it happen, her tears flowed like a waterfall before she arrived at this moment. If only she can get a hold of her benefactor, all of her worries would be washed away. Indeed, the man can help her get rid of the dog beside her Lady.
Ria ripped open the letter and the good wishes came from Lilian.
Dear Ria,
It's been quite long since we last saw each other… Oh yes, I'm getting married, well not actually. If being a concubine can be considered as marrying then, it is so. Three years had gone by, and you never sent one letter to me. How could you? I was the one visiting you at night and lighting up the scented candles when you have nightmares… Ah; I blabbered too much. The purpose of this letter is not to waste your time knowing what happened in my life, but it concerns you. Have you taken any medications? If so, I suggest that you consume it religiously. It is for the common good.
Lastly, I wish you well in life. Don't fret over the things that you can't control. Remember Ria, our lives depend on the master we serve. Choose wisely.
Your dearest friend,
The letter felt that it's from a noble lady instead of a maid. Ria chuckled, her self-proclaimed friend boasted the fact that she can finally escape from serving a master. The fortune of others was far compared to hers, a pity. She changed into her nightclothes and saw the pills she has been consuming for the past three years have shown positive results.
The nightmares never came, but her state of mind became unfeeling. She didn't mind being unable to comprehend emotions, as long as her fears won't haunt her any risks she will take.
The night sank deeper and Ria stared aimlessly. Once her thoughts became peaceful, the cool light of the moon had lulled her and gradually darkness engulfed her body.
A light flickered in front of Ria. She gazed at the small flame. She reached out, and the flame flew away. It signaled her to follow. They had journeyed for a while. The darkness surrounded her with an icy embrace. Her feet floated with every step she took and her body drifted in the empty place.
The flame led her to a trench. The light illuminated enough for her to see a few feet away. A tune sounded from the endless void, the melody rang in her ears and felt somewhat familiar.
A hum soon accompanied the tune that knocked at Ria's heart. The flame nudged and gestured her to jump. She squinted, and the chilling void stared back. A dream wouldn't hurt her at all. Why bother thinking too much? Ria jumped into the abyss. The wind clashed with her body; the fall caused her heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes welled up from the piercing winds.
She looked around and saw that the flame has disappeared. Alone in the dark, while she fell into the unknown, as she looked at her stomach being impaled by a sharp stone.
Blood trickled down as she felt her heart wanting to get out of her body. The darkness stayed as her company as she searched for someone to save her.
A silhouette flashed before her eyes and touched her face, "How pitiful."