Uncertain 02

Cailina held onto her red touring hat as the wind blew and tried to take it away. It has been long since she stepped out to breathe in the fresh air. Her puppy knew best of what she would enjoy most.

She saw Aris waiting for her nearby the lake, appearing as handsome as ever. Cailina made her way to Aris with the knights behind her as Sir Rodrigo has bombarded them with the importance of protecting the favored one. 

Despite Cailina's request of going out in disguise, her father instead cleared out the vicinity and went out his way and order about a hundred knights to accompany them. She reluctantly agreed to this arrangement as it was unusual for her father to let her go out.

Cailina felt her head throbbing at her father's unwanted overprotectiveness, and the knights kept a keen guard as the surroundings could provide a long list of dangers it would offer. 

The lake was encircled by willow trees that danced with the occasional blows of the wind. Cailina inhaled the breath of fresh air, this was something she and her puppy never got to do after her seventh birthday because of what happened.

Cailina hurried towards Aris. She wanted to boat to fully immersed the role of a fisherman, but her father forbade her to get closer to the water. She should, as what her father said, stay away from the water as far as she could. 

She brushed off the warnings her father showered her every time they went out on a trip that includes any bodies of water. She wanted to prove that her father sometimes worries about nonsensical things.

She squinted her eyes at the shimmering waters; it was a sight to behold and a refuge for her drowned mind. She played with the still reflection of her on the lake; her features distorted as ripples waved the shoreline. The image on the water showed no other expression as she did, their difference was, one has responsibilities she needed to perform.

The reflection of her stared back with dull eyes, like the porcelain doll that Edward gave. Cailina kept it far from her bed as it would give her a shock with each moment she woke up in the middle of the night.

She wouldn't deny that the workmanship of the doll reflected her image as a child, enough to be mistaken as it was her.

Lost in her memories, Aris readied the baits for his Lady to use; he understood that his Lady needed to stretch her legs and lift her mind off the pressuring official work the Duke gave her.

Aris handed the rod to her which his Lady eagerly snatched from his hand. 

They were a few steps away from the water, and Cailina insisted that it would be alright despite her worrisome father. She swung her rod and the hook reached far as she expected, it would've been nice to fish on a boat.

Cailina hummed a melody as she enjoyed the peaceful scenery. 

"I used to fish a lot with my father," Aris said, breaking the silence around them, "My father and I would compete who will catch the most fishes."

He smiled at Cailina, "I apologize, my Lady, but I would always lose to my father."

"It's alright," Cailina patted his head.

His soft hair made Cailina's heart flutter. She felt her cheeks warming up as her puppy leaned closer. 

"I am no longer a child, my Lady," Aris poked her forehead.

Cailina looked away and hid her reddened face, "I am aware."

Aris held back a chuckle and observed Cailina as she leisurely held onto her fishing rod, memorizing her every expression, the way she smiled curved as the hook plunged into the water, and her occasional glances of triumph with each fish out of the lake. 

She was the sunshine in his storm-filled life, the peace after a tiring day, and the home to return to no matter how messed up he was. 

Cailina shone brightly under the warmth of spring, perfectly belonging to the blooming flowers and vibrant trees. His chest tightened as if gripped by ropes with no sign of letting him go.

She boasted her bucket full of twitching fishes, as she raised it, a fish jumped out of its group and slapped her puppy's face.

Shocked by the sudden interruption of the fish, Aris lost his balance and fell into the water. He gripped the plank as he emerged out of the cold lake.

Cailina pursed her lips and not to embarrass Aris by laughing at his now wet and fishy smell. She handed the bucket to a knight and ordered a towel. She gave her handkerchief to him, but retracted it and did the wiping herself. 

She tiptoed and wiped his cheeks and clothes, Cailina could smell the comforting scent Aris had ever since they were children. He never wore perfumes, but he has his scent that she loved. 

She smiled as she placed her lips on her puppy's cheeks; it was an act she did every time she found him adorable, and his confused look while the fish made contact with him made her heart melt.

"I sometimes wish I wasn't born a noble," Cailina said, her eyes fixed upon the water. 

Aris pursed his lips. He wanted to hold his Lady's hand, assure her that she was capable of achieving the things she wanted, but he remained still. His Lady needed now was someone willing to listen.

"What happened when you were away, Aris?" Cailina turned her gaze to Aris, "Did my father do something terrible to you?"

The clouds hid the sun as the wind blew. Cailina's eyes shimmered as she bore her gaze at the being she wished to cherish. 

Aris raised his brows as his attention landed at his Lady's catch. He looked at Cailina with awe in his eyes. He cleared his throat and pointed at the bucket.

"How about we grill the fishes now, my Lady?" he took Cailina's bucket and retreated with a smile. 

"Fresh catch tastes better, my Lady." 

Cailina nodded. The knight took care of the grilling as they were wary of what Aris may put in the fish. 

Aris carried a small smile as he walked behind Cailina with his heart pounding in his chest.

After Cailina enjoyed the light meal, she rested her mind near the lake. Her appearance as peaceful as the surroundings. 

The ripples caught Cailina's attention. She saw the reflected image of her was the same, yet carried a heavy atmosphere. 

She backed away from the lake as danger poured out of the waters. Her steps almost tipped her balance. Her father's warning echoed in her heart.