Unbecoming 01

The undisturbed hallways appeared empty and cold; Cailina clutched her shawl closer to her shoulders. It was always colder within the mansion no matter what season. she strolled the mansion, alone, it was a marvel that her maid wasn't waiting outside her door. Fione has diligently served by her side, be it an uncanny hour of the night or earlier than the fowls' wake time.

She made her way down the stairs, the candle lights flickered as it lit the way which in the day was full of life, but now burst with the stillness that appeared eerie and daunting. Cailina was used to seeing this kind of darkness within her home. As a child, she heard occasional wailings of someone, but in rationality, it might just be the wind.

It's been a week since Cailina returned to the capital. She kept postponing the invitations she received for the past few days. She brushed her fingers on the paintings that existed before her.

She wouldn't deny that their family could be haunted by unfortunate souls that fell victim to their hand.

The portraits of her ancestors, with their glorified stature, hang on the sides. Their lifelike gaze and smile stared at her with stoic expressions, as she reached the end of the steps, she glanced at the portrait displayed in the center of the two-way staircase. 

Her grandfather, by a far generation, stared upright back at her gaze. He was the first of the Grandis who was revered by their kind and feared by the rest. 

The man her father aimed to be, for he assisted the first emperor into dominance and authority, that was the purpose of their family; to only assist. Never to be within the light of attention.

She sighed, it was a pity the moment she was born, the Grandis that lurked within the shadows came to light. None knows if it's the curse of the Divine or a blessing to finally reveal their talents of the ruling. She shook her head at the thought, usurping the throne must not be in her mind, as a Grandis.

Her attention flicked onto the movements within the darkness, she scanned the surroundings, her steps light as a feather with every second she approached the darkest part of the hall. The front door felt miles away as she roamed to catch the intruder that dare enter her home. 

The movement sneaked up on her but failed as she turned to see nothing. She could hear footfalls of soles tapping onto the marbled and carpet floor. She ventured the foyer for any signs of the unusual thing, which was what she decided to call it, but as soon as she got near to where it was, the thing was nowhere.

This was a thousand-year-old mansion, it was a common occurrence to hear creaks and whispers without a source, or prankster of a servant. She used to dislike the way how blinding the darkness was as a child, she remembered holding Aris' hand whenever she wanted heard things.

She had grown comfortable at Aris' presence without being aware of how important he was. Now that her father wanted her to return, her heart carried a heavier weight than she imagined. 

Cailina no longer sensed the danger that waved within her heart. She shrugged and walked around the stairs, and paused as she got to the other side. The exhaustion caught up with her eyes as they seemed heavier, a walk around the garden would have to wait for another time. 

She wasted her energy running after a figment of her imagination. She looked up as most of the candles have melted, the servants should wake soon and the mansion would regain its liveliness for the day.

"My Lady, is there something you need?" Fione said behind her.

Cailina's brow twitched as she waved her hand, "Must you sneak up like that?"

Fione bowed and followed her back to her room. She glanced at her maid who kept her head lowered the entire way back. She should expect Fione to stay outside her door until she woke up if she would be visited by sleep.

"Have you decided?" Duke Grandis asked as he took a bite of his meal, "I hope you will bear no grudges at your father."

Cailina fixed onto her eating, her energy depleted with her inability to close her eyes and dream. She took small bites before pushing the plate away from her in which the servant immediately disposed of. 

She sipped her glass of sanguine liquid in silence. It was her way of rebellion against her father, after all, she still was his daughter, and her interest in their family business stayed the same.

"Well?" her father inquired. His eyes flickered into a lighter hue as he dropped the cutlery and stared at Cailina.

"I will."

Duchess Grandis beamed and clasped her hands, "There's many changes while you were away my dear!" 

Her mother blabbered away with how many shops have emerged in the past years. Cailina expressed her false excitement with a smile, she looked at her mother as curious as a cat. Duchess Grandis has changed into a lively woman, she guessed that maybe her father has been treating her well. 

"Why don't you shop around to free your mind?" Duke Grandis said as he glanced at his wife, "Let your mother accompany you."

Cailina declined, she wanted to be alone. Duchess Grandis continued with her stories about the women of the capital as well as a few scandals. The servants dismissed themselves as it was inappropriate to hear sensitive topics while their masters talk.

It was still a normal breakfast for them, it's just Cailina's mood sunk with every second passed.


Lai observed behind his Lady who busied herself with things she wouldn't bother in a perfectly normal day. She picked whatever bestseller the staff offered or suggested, she didn't blink and chose everything. 

He shook his head and looked at Fione, the latter wore her usual expressionless gaze. He shook his head again, why did he even bother to ask about it. He carried the boxes that soon piled into a hill as Cailina passed every shop. 

The dog that would usually follow her was no longer by Cailina's side. Lai was worried about Cailina's lack of interest in the new life in the capital. Lost in his thoughts, his Lady turned to him with a glare.

"Walk faster," she said as her tongue clicked.

Lai nodded and trotted towards his Lady, his imaginary tail wagging behind him. Cailina looked at him who still acted like a child despite being a twenty-three-year-old man. She took a deep breath and waved her hand as the staff ushered the Duke's daughter into her usual room. 

Cailina flipped through the brochure, yet nothing seems to catch her attention. A staff softly knocked, and a familiar face smiled at her.