Unbound 05


A humming floated through the air as footfalls steadily made their way near one of the cells. The damp walls and floors were the elements for infection if one would be wounded inside. 

The stench that the place gave off was enough to assault one's senses. Its foul smell would linger on to the clothes of those who entered here. But for one being, it was considered as a place to have fun.

Two silhouettes stood side by side as they looked down the prisoner behind the iron bars.

"Is this the rodent?"

"Yes, we are commanded to gain information about his master's whereabouts," the taller silhouette asked.

The second one stepped forward, and the flickering light of the torch gave his eyes a menacing glint as it revealed his identity.

"The rumored puppet of the Grandis," the prisoner whispered.

The man laughed, "Quite harsh for a name," his face went closer to the cell, "I am just called Lai."

Screams and groans echoed in the dark place. He would always give his victims a false hope that they would be free if they could endure through his levels of torture, but in the end, not a single soul survived. 

He let his heart take over his body as he seemed to dance with the devices he held for years. With each howl of pain, blood splattered on the walls as it painted the damp walls with an even darker color.

The horrendous scene after Lai had his fun would make a stomach churn and purge out the lunch it had.

"You should've shown mercy," the silhouette behind Lai said.

Lai wiped his sweat as the warm sanguine fluid marked his forehead. He chuckled and dangled the insides of the prisoner in front of the silhouette. 

"Must you always say the same words?" he dropped the insides as it plopped at his feet, "We got what we needed. The Duke wouldn't say anything about my playtime."

He patted the silhouette's shoulder with his blood-drenched hand, "I do apologize for making a mess."

The water turned red as Lai washed off the sticky liquid from his hands and face. He was in a good mood and would serve the Lady well. He developed an interest in slashing and slicing beings when he accidentally wandered in the dungeon back at the fief.

He saw how terrifying the captain of the knight was, and it thrilled him to see the pleading faces of the prisoners. It was then that he knew, his family stood not a chance against the Grandis. 

He was glad he got on the good side of them, if not, he would have met a much horrible death than his family. At least his family's death was done publicly as they were accused to be traitors who planned to overthrow a monarch.

The reason why he was spared was his father exchanged his merits for his son. After all, if Lai was considered the Lady's informant, his father was the Emperor's.

His heart held not a grudge to those who ended his family's life. He knew from the start that just a mistake of his family and it would be their end. Until death, his family was still treated as nobles.

He watched as each of their heads dropped into a bucket. Every drop resounded in his heart as he was forced to watch until the end of the execution, a reminder to him, and every eye that saw it stood as dust in the monarch's eyes. It was then that Lai had no one to cherish.

It was all in the past, and the person that he would protect with his everything was Cailina. His master didn't realize that the young lady he served for years would mean this much to him. 

Lai chuckled at his thought. Life indeed was a mystery.


Cailina sighed as she replaced her bonnet with the one her mother was suggesting. She grudgingly wore it and looked at Duchess with an expressionless gaze. She agreed to shop with her mother as the summer banquet was a week away.

Her mother would know what was the trend in the capital as she was clueless as a child with these things. 

Cailina glanced at Lai. He seemed to be in a cheery mood, more than usual. Her lips formed in a thin line as she anticipated what smart rebuttal he has in store. 

As always, he would have a word or two at everything she would say.

"Do you still remember the tags I showed you when you were a child?" Duchess Grandis broke the silence inside the carriage.

"I..." Cailina paused, but to her, it was a distant memory.

"There are better tags now than then," her mother smiled, "I hope you choose a few."

Duchess Grandis stressed the importance of having a personal set of reliable beings. As those people who possessed the mark of servitude at the back of their hand. One could only receive if he was willing...

The tags represented what use each being has. It was an easier way for nobles and a few wealthy people to choose what kind of thrall they prefer.

Servants and thralls were different. The latter has no choice, but to serve its masters up to its death. Servants were beings that have the ability to leave the beings they serve. 

The only way out for a thrall is through death.

Cailina pondered about her mother's words. She should have Lai marked, but knowing him, he would slyly find his way avoiding the process. 

She sighed and gave up the thought. The sky would pour fire if Lai agreed to it.


"Picked the ones you think best," Duchess Grandis said as she sipped her tea. 

Cailina stared at the tags. Pondering in her as she never wanted to own a thrall. She believed that if a being truly desired to serve a master, it would be sufficient to show his actions and not be tied to a marking.

She glanced at Lai and turned back to the tags displayed on the table. Her mother caught on her swift movements and waved at the staff.

"Do you perform enchantment for this mark?" she asked. 

Cailina blinked, "What do you need that for mother?"

Duchess Grandis looked at Lai and he immediately went to her side. She nodded and waited for the staff to return with the enchanter. 

"I would consider your loyalty through these years," Duchess Grandis said as her lips formed in a thin line, "What hand do you wish to be marked?"