Never Returning 01

The leaves removed themselves from the branches as they became the golden-red carpet that laid on the ground. The life that once danced around the forest grounds began to wither and some hid within their abode in hopes for the coming of another bud of the warm sun.


Months passed as the Grandis was without a master. Duke Grandis was sent away by the Emperor to negotiate with the Elven King, the order was abrupt, leaving him not a moment to bid his family farewell.


It was the day that he was summoned and immediately traveled to the Elven Kingdom as the King was requesting help in regards that both of the monarchs only knew.


Duke Grandis followed without question and was now ordered to capture a creature that the King wanted gone from his lands.


He wore his thickest coat as the winds of the Elven were harsh, and being outside of its capital would surely leave one missing the comforting fire of one's home.