The Young Lord 02

Damion's gaze followed the servants as they walked to and fro, preparing the dining hall for his older sister's party. He cautiously entered the hall and was blinded by how majestic it was. Red flowers decorated the pillars and the tables set with luxurious cloth from another country. He has never seen such a beautiful place.

His eyes sparkled as he roamed around with his attendant trailing behind. Damion touched whatever caught his interest; the chandeliers hung above as they glimmered from the sunlight, and the draperies flowed down as it shaped the windows.

Like a child entering a sweet shop.

The large windows were high enough to cause him to look up. Everything made him smaller than usual. He gaped as he observed from the sidelines.

Having this spacious hall for his older sister's party meant that many would attend the banquet. He froze at the thought of someone taking his sister away from him. His fists tightened as he glanced at his attendant.