Opening the Door for the Unwanted Guests 04

The Grandis' mansion quietened as the master of the house showed no sign of a faster recovery. Duchess Grandis sat on her husband's bedside, praying that he would awake soon. She wanted to hold his hand but refrained in fear of worsening his condition.

Misery became her companion through the night. Only an hour has passed, but to her, it was an eternity.

She sniffed as the silent tears flowed freely down her face. Her younger self wouldn't have known that she had come to love the man she married for connection. She swore, with all her might that she would only adore him as a capable man and nothing more.

But here she was, weeping her heart out; caring not if anyone would see her state.

To have his daughter grow up like him as she wouldn't want their child to inherit her satisfied heart. The years that she spent covering up her contentment with various activities that would make one believe that her heart would never settle.