
The night was neither joyous nor miserable.

The laughter that rang in the air during that moment and the light chatter of the people around her remained in the back of her attention as Cailina's gaze focused on the river.

For once, she could somewhat rest the matters her mind carried all the time.

Cailina glanced at the other side of the river, the trees have long embraced each other and the thick bushes became the barrier to prevent those who wished to enter into the woods. Only those that belonged within their protection was able to enjoy the peace that the forest offered.

She had her eyes linger deeper into the trees, perhaps hoping to see something unusual.

And as she saw him, standing opposite of her; the mirror of the moon between them. Cailina spared not a second of dallying and chased after him as if her heart was pulled by something she couldn't name.

She trusted whatever that taunted her to move.