
Chapter 11: The New Speedster?!

Cassandra wasn't very happy at me for the move I pulled. It's been a over week now and she still won't forgive me. Considering that I just left Kronos there at that, I guess I'd be mad at me too. I mean seriously, what was the point of bringing the guy's corpse? And he was heavy after all. so I don't see what the problem was, let the cops take care of stuff like that.

"Strange." were the first words I heard out of her for the entire morning.

"What is it?" I inquired now approaching her

"Satellite readings are picking up a streak of high voltage electricity traveling at over 600kmph"

"OVER 600KMPH?!" I questioned I disbelief, knowing that this thing is faster than me.

"Yup" she confirmed.

"Ugh! I'm on it" I sighed.

Changing into my speedster suit, I began to imagine what force could sustain so much speed. The thought of another speedster never crossed my mind. So imagine my surprise when I ran down town and caught a glance of the 'force' passing me, only to find it being my cousin, Donte.

He seemed to be in normal shoes as he left behind the scent of burnt rubber.

"Cas?" I called, touching my earpiece, "Our problem just got way worse."

"How so?" she inquired

"It's my cousin, Donte, and I think he's a speedster."

"Oh? then that should make it easier for you to catch him then right? Since you would have a relationship with him."

"Oh no. Donte's different."

I then proceeded to chase him around the town, ignoring that he got like a 15 second head-start. He kept running in pointless patterns, almost like he wasn't actually going anywhere. Sometimes he'd even run around the same building. My best chance at this point would be to cut him off somehow.

I devised that my current smartest course of action would have been to somehow scale buildings instead of running around them. This would save both time and velocity.

"Cas, how fast would I have to go in order to run up a building?"

"Hmm....well... you'd have to be able to run faster than the speed of Earth's gravity times your weight. And by your biometric scan, your weight is 1280kg. Multiply that by 10N/kg and you get 12800 N/kg2. Dividing that by the cross-unit base conversion rate, you'd have to run at a speed of at least 400kmph."

"Couldn't you have just calculated that in silently and told me?"


Well, 400kmph huh? Can do. I ran straight, now knowing in mind that I'd be perfectly capable of running up any building that came in my way. I felt a bit anxious about trying it out, but at that point, it was my only chance of catching Donte.

"Remember to make firm steps, there's no horizontal friction so if you don't step firm enough you'll slip." she nagged

"Yeah Yeah"

Moving on, I approached a building, and perfect timing too, Donte sped past me, hightailing his way to go around it. I took a firm step onto the base of the building, as I transitioned my body from vertical to horizontal. After my third step, the anxiety went away; it just felt so natural. The wind blowing on me, it felt invigorating. Now at the peak of the building, I felt proud for thinking of such an idea.

Now on the other side, already being at the top, I realized that I'd never accounted for how to run down a building. The immense force caused me to topple over and plummet all the way down to the ground. Luckily, Donte broke my fall.

Brining him in, he had the expression of a child being sent to detention; complaining, trying to fight back, trying even to escape. Luckily I'm good at carrying people over my shoulder.

Arriving at the lab, I put him down. Then proceeding to take off my cowl and reveal my face. His face lighted up in joy the very instant he saw me.

"Romaine! You have super speed too?!" He belted

"Calm down." I encouraged

"Hmph" Cassandra went

"Cas, can you maybe make a suit for him or something?" I sympathised

"Nope! He is not staying here!" she refused

"Aww come on! I could use the back-up" I reasoned

"Ugh whatever. I haven't used the Carbon-Syndicator in a while anyway." she said while walking away

"The Carbo-what?" I questioned

"The thing I used to make your suit"


Turning around to look at Donte, unsurprisingly, I noticed that he was gone. Instead, he was now running around the place looking at everything, leaving that burnt rubber smell everywhere.

"Hey hey!" I stopped him "If you're gonna run around the place, at least wear these." I presented to him a pair of friction-resistant shoes.

He wasted no time in switching shoes and getting back to his 'sight-seeing'. At least there was no more burnt rubber.

After 10 minutes of watching Donte run around the place, Cassandra finally came back to present his speedster suit.

Donte put it on in less than 3 seconds, and surprisingly, it didn't look half bad.

It was light blue in the middle of the torso and legs, with white lining and black on the sides. His lightning bolt symbol was white with a white circle around it, and was located over his heart. The suit stopped at his neck, though some of it reached his jawbones. He had no mask or cowl, instead he had a cool blue visor to protect his eyes.

"Wow Donte. I'm Jealous." I commented

"I LOVE IT!" he exclaimed

I could see a smile escape Cassandra's face.

"So..what do you want your speedster name to be?" I questioned

"Mmmmmm..I don't know" he replied

"Well....how about Excell?" I suggested

"Sounds great." he confirmed

"Well then. Cassandra'll have to run some tests on you first before you can start doing hero stuff." I informed him

"Awww!" he went with his squeaky voice

"Hmph. Oh brother." Cassandra went.