
Chapter 13: The Order of Speed

Donte's POV

After me and Romaine knocked out Kronos then there wasn't any time before I saw that Crimson speedster guy give Romaine the 'Holy-Whacka-Moley' of Speed Punches. I was frightened to the point where I started screaming. Romaine was punched all the way into a wall. I could see that he was bleeding now, with the face part of his suit torn and everything.

Then like that wasn't enough trouble this guy in a Golden suit ran up in front of Romaine and started talking to him. When he appeared he was super fast and had a golden lightning trail. Crimson turned to me and that was my signal to beat it.

I turned around and ran as fast as I could with all my energy and life force. After seeing what he did to Romaine, I wouldn't want to get caught by that guy. When I was training with Romaine and that girl he they told me that I have this special ability where I can make myself even faster while running, something like sprinting, whatever that means. I trained to do it many times, but I can't do it at will.

Lucky for me, when I was being chased by that Crimson creep, it activated and I got even faster. I tried my best to lose him, but he was really on my tail. He looked really serious now too. It was scary. Just when I was running out of energy, that golden guy came up and stared running beside me.

"Hey kid, need a hand?" he asked me

"Are you on my side?" I asked him

"Sure am" he said with a smile

"Then yes please. That creep's gonna get me" I told him

We ended up at a dead ended street. Me and the golden guy stopped and turned around. Crimson stopped and looked at us with his awful face. The golden guy and crimson ran toward each other and started battling it out. They were moving so fast I could barely see them.

Then all of a sudden I started seeing more Crimsons. they were everywhere around the golden guy. Crimson and the golden guy kept fighting until Crimson knocked him away.

"Go find Romaine!" the golden guy shouted at me

I ran as fast as I could trying to find my way back to Romaine. When I found him it looked like that golden guy used magic or something because he looked much better than before. I helped him to walk because he was having problems even standing. He was still kinda bleeding, and I don't think his mouth was better already because when he was talking to me he said, "Dwonte, whaht har yoo doeen heaor?", which I'm pretty sure he was asking me what I was doing there.

"That golden guy sent me to come find you. Are you alright?" I answered

"Just give it a moment" I think he meant when he answered me


After five minutes then he was fine enough to get back on his feet and everything.

"Now.." he said, "lead me to where those two are; it's time I make my big return."

"No problem" I answered

In those five minutes Romaine made up a plan and told me everything and how it would work.

When I could finally see the crimson creep then I started running with all my energy again, then my boost came in and I started running even faster. Romaine was running close behind me and doing something like absorbing my electricity and it was making him a lot faster, when were close enough to him then I turned the sharpest left and Romaine went past like lightning.

I called out to the golden guy to move out from in front of Crimson and then Crimson turned around to look and saw Romaine.

Romaine channeled all the electricity I saw on his body into his right fist and gave Crimson what Romaine wanted to call a lightning punch to the head.

Crimson flew basically thousands of miles and through a bunch of buildings.

When me and the golden guy went up to Romaine his Romaine's hand was smoking a bit but he said not to worry about that and that it was nothing.

"OMG!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS SO COOL!" I shouted at the top of my lungs

"Impressive Velocity, you've really improved" the golden guy said

"Thanks. Also, since we're like a team now, I was thinking we should make a name for ourselves" he said

"How about the Order of Speed?" I asked him

"Sounds corny" he said

"Agreed" said the golden guy

"But whatever, Order of Speed it is" Romaine said

"Yay!" I cheered, as we started to walk off into the empty street