
Chapter 36: Convergence Part 10

Kyle's POV

"Cas?" I called, looking for some help

-"Kyle, just what was all of that just now?"- She questioned

"I'm not sure myself to be honest."

-"Well you bloody hell rocked it mate."- cheered the Prince

"Thanks, but I was kind of looking for guidance on what to do next, rather than moral support."

-"Well we're more than short-handed right now." Cas replied, "All our speedsters are out, and we have no other means of transport."-

"Damn. How's Donte been doing?"

-"I checked his vitals about ten minutes ago, he's still stable, but his brain activity is slowly decreasing."-

"Hm. Dondre isn't looking too good either."

-"Hold on, Kyle, someone's approaching you; a speedster."-

I promptly reacted to her warning, rotating a full 360 degrees to see which direction they were coming from.

I spotted the lightning trail along with the speedster approaching, this day just kept getting worse to be honest, but maybe now was the turning point.

-"Hold on,"- Cas had just realized what I did, -"It's.. it's~"

"Romaine." I finished her sentence

He came to a stop a few feet away, facing me.

"Well I surely didn't expect to see you at the end of this destruction trail." he teased

"Long Story..." I stated, "And just what have you been up to?"

"Oh, you know, fighting off a random dude with a girl and her magical genie."

I honestly couldn't tell whether or not he was being sarcastic or if that was true.

"I see." I responded softly, "Mind helping me out here?"

"Well I'll see what I can do. The girl's with you?" he responded

"Yeah, and Dondre's over there." I indicated toward the building

"Your kidding," he paused, holding Alisa in place

"Wish I was man."

"Well we gotta get him outta there first then." He prompted

Romaine ran over to the building and kept circling it and pausing; I assume he was looking for a possible opening or some sign of Dondre being under there.

"Kyle," he came back up to me, "How did this happen?"

"Again," I responded, "Long Story, but the bottom line is, those two guys over there did it."

"Do you think you can give me the average weight of a building?"

"Well, I'd say around a hundred thousand pounds?"

-"Correct,"- Cas came in, -"but that one in particular seems to be closer to 107, 000 lbs."-

Romaine hadn't reacted or responded, so I concluded that his comm was broken; or just not working.

"Cas says the one that's on Dondre is around a hundred and seven thousand pounds." I informed him

"That's hefty... what about the density?"

"No idea. Cas?"

-"That'd take a while to calculate Kyle. And Romaine better not be thinking about what I think he is."-

"She doesn't know. But what do you have in mind?"

"Dondre's there helpless with over a hundred thousand pounds sitting on top of him, I'll do whatever it takes Kyle. And I know Cassandra wants to stop me, but I'll attempt to phase through it."

"But do you think you can pull it off? Your phasing track-record doesn't exactly point towards it."

-"Exactly."- Cassandra came back in, -"Kyle, make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid; he's the last speedster we have."-

I glared into Romaine's eyes, staring into his soul. I could see the same type of burning determination inside of him that I felt earlier, only he was like this to save his bestfriend.

If I was able to somehow take out Cross and Ballista just by being determined not to die, then who am I to trample my friend's determination?

I walked up closer to Romaine, and place my right hand on his shoulder, maintaining eye contact.

"Romaine," I started, softly but firmly, "this task may seem impossible, and others may not believe you can do it, but I believe in you, and you need to be fully confident in yourself. You will save Dondre. Now do it."

The fire glistened in Romaine's eyes on my command. He nodded his head and sped over to the building.

Stopping right at it for a brief second, he appeared to be taking in deep breaths. Romaine placed his right hand on the building, then began vibrating it. His entire body followed suit shortly after, and he slowly stepped his way into the building. He was now phasing through the most dense obstacle yet, I knew he could it.

-"Kyle."- Cassandra came back on, -"You do realize, that even though he's in the building, if he slows down vibrating by even a little that all his cells will collapse with it's molecules right?"-

"Relax Cas," I stated, "He'll be fine. And why are you always freaking out like that over him anyway? Your crush on him is showing."

-"So you decided to join the rest of them; I do not have any such feelings for him."-

"It's not healthy to lie to yourself like that..."

Before Cassandra and I could continue our 'pleasant' conversation, Romaine had sped out of the building from the other side, now with Dondre in his arms.

He rested him down in front of me, and revealed that Dondre was actually still alive. You'd think that being crushed by a building that weighs around 50 tons would kill someone, leaving nothing identifiable, especially at the speed it hit him, but Dondre was laying right before me, in one piece. And by some miracle, only having sustained a few scratches and bruises. My problem isn't that he's alive, I kind of expected him to be, since I believed Romaine could do it, but my problem is that he didn't even receive any minor injuries; such as a broken arm or something.

"It's a miracle..." I muttered

-"He actually did it. And Dondre's somehow still alive."- You could hear the high level of awe in Cas' voice

"You did it Romaine. I told you that you would." I commended

"No Kyle," He said, with a proud grin on his face, "We, did it."