
Chapter 49: Redemption

Romaine's POV

Now travelling through the air at over a thousand kilometers per hour, my staggered vision managed to pick detect Shante running side-by-side me. I couldn't feel any of my limbs much less fight back. Not to mention that the bones in my face felt broken.

Shante was still twitching, and vibrating like crazy; her electricity grew even more erratic as she ran. Shante jabbed her right arm into my side, channeling her force and electricity into me. I was then flown into the building directly to my left, not only breaking the wall itself, but also a majority of the bones on the left side of my body.

The psychosis finally went back to putting me to rest so I wouldn't have to deal with the pain. That is, before Shante came to a dead stop in front of me, still clearly erratic, and took me up by the torso. She looked my suffering body in the eyes, and the effects of the psychosis were halted. She immediately turned around and threw me at the speed of sound into the opposing building.

Now lying with a completely immobilized and broken body, there was nothing I could do to fight back. She walked past the ruble of the shattered wall coming up to me, before placing her right foot on my neck and pressing down on it.

I really couldn't conceive a more painful experience than what I was already feeling until she applied force to my neck. I coughed up blood, and was almost drowning in it due to my body's position.

She seemed as if she was going to finish me off by shattering my neck, but the force she applied felt hesitant. She suddenly stepped back, mumbling something to herself. She then grasped her head with both hands and begun taking short yet random steps.

"No, no, no, no!" she screamed, "I can't kill him. He's my cousin."

If you ask me, there was a real mental struggle going on there, but that's all I got to see before the psychosis finally had enough time to affect me.

Little did I know, that my psychotic vision would be even worse...

Now on the white plane, Black Zero spared no time in coming up to me while I stood there paralyzed. He sunk his fingers into my neck, and proceeded to break all my limbs, one by one. I prayed that someone would hear my screams of agony, but knew that no one could help.

Dondre's POV

Woooah, psycho, much? Romaine's cousin is a bit on the crazy side if you ask me.

After Shante had punched Romaine and sent him flying, I was gonna speed after him, but was quickly stopped by Twister's wind.

"Just where do you think you're going?" Toxica questioned

"To help my bestfriend." I responded

"Well we can't just let you leave like that; this is the type of publicity we need. Defeating the great Acceleration.

They call me the great? Hm.. well I can't just leave a couple of hot babes here alone unattended.. but it didn't seem like Romaine was going to survive that attack that Shante gave him. I should probably go stop her before she goes too far and kills him.

Ugh, Romaine better be paying me back big time for this.

"Sorry ladies." I waved, "Stay put 'til I come back, k?"

Speeding off, I easily avoided the attacks that they did in order to keep me here.

"Such a shame.." I mumbled to myself, "You never know when you're gonna see another babe like those two. But with my luck, that should be somewhere around next week."

-"Dondre."- Cas came in, -"Tell us what's happening."-

"I'm going in the direction the Romaine flew. Well I'm here now... but Shante on the other hand seems to have completely lost it."

-"How's Romaine? We can't seem to find any CCTV cameras in the area."-

"Not looking so good.."

-"How bad is it?"-

"Well.. Imagine a dog got ran over by a train, then had a building dropped on it, but minus the fur and the horrible smell."

-"Not only was that a very unsettling description, but it doesn't exactly help either."-

"Well all his bones look like they've been broken seven different ways."

"No, no, no! I don't wanna! I don't wanna kill him!" Shante screamed

"Psycho alert." I commented

-"Dondre"- Kyle came on, -"What's happening?"-

"Shante's losing mind, that's what. She's screaming weird stuff like 'No, I don't wanna kill him.'"

-"Hm..."- I could hear Kyle contemplate -"This is perfect."-

"How is a girl going clinically insane after just beating the possible life out of your bestfriend 'perfect'?"

-"It'd be a waste of time to explain it to you, but I've got a plan. See if you can get her attention and lead her over to me."-

"You want me, to have the absolute psychopath, that just shattered, all your friend's bones, to chase me. Yeah, looks like this insanity thing must be contagious, because you're talking crazy right now."

-"Ugh, come on Dondre. Just trust me and do it."-

"Fine. But if I die because if this, I'm gonna make sure that I come back to haunt you."

-"Just hurry; there might not be enough time."-

"Can't believe I'm doing this..." I mumbled as I bent down to pick up a bit of the stray concrete

I looked back up at the girl, ready to use my awesome aim.

"Hey! Psycho!" I called out, darting the projectile at her head

I probably shouldn't have thrown the stone if I was gonna call out to her anyway, because after she flawlessly dodged it, she seemed even more demented.

"Yikes-" I squealed when I saw her running towards me

I sped off at high speed, easily staying ahead of her, but also monitored my speed at the same time.

I decided to have a little fun with basically wrapping this psycho around my finger, so I made a few detours around the city. And by that, I mean I made her circle the entire city around five times before finally going on route to the lab. No biggie.

Now on a direct course for Cas' door, I was able to see Kyle standing in the doorway as I got closer.

He indicated for me to move to the side once I got close enough to him, which would've left him as the victim of Shante's collision course. But hey, it ain't my problem; he chose to carry out his insane plan.

So when I was barely a couple feet away from him, I took a sharp left, then came to a stop near him.

To my surprise, Shante was right in front of him, frozen in her tracks. It looked like they had made eye contact, and Kyle was just weirdly staring into her eyes. As he slowly walked closer to her, he took his right hand out of his coat's pocket and raised it up to her.

"You're a strong girl, and I know you can fight it." He said, "You don't have to be Zero's slave anymore..."

The girl started sobbing, as her crazy twitching started slowly down to the point where it stopped.

"Come join us." He encouraged, "This is your chance at redemption."

"But I-..." she stuttered

"Don't worry. Black Zero can't hurt you, or anyone you love anymore."

Shante burst into full on crying as she shook Kyle's hand. Then they transitioned into a hug.

It was heart warming, seeing two insane people hug like that, but can't say it lasted long; Kyle's hands started doing some weird light performance, then the two fell unconscious onto the ground.

"So this is what happens when two insane people are together." I commented, walking over to them, "Interesting."