
Chapter 52: Complications

Shante's POV

It felt weird at first just standing around and waiting for the elevator to go up, but I got busy playing with the comm in my ear, so I didn't even realize that we were already at the top until Dondre ran out of the house.

Of course I couldn't let him get too far ahead of me, so I ran out after him.

I was close on his tail, but still a bit far behind him. When he turned a corner, some of his lightning was left behind; I was running too fast and ended up hitting into it. I got shocked by it and was flown backwards. For a split second, my entire body was overwhelmed with the energy; and it.. it felt familiar, in a way.

I jumped back up, and chased after him. Good thing I remembered that we weren't going the same place before it was too late. I barely remembered where Romaine actually was; since my memory of earlier is very blurry.

I turned down the street, and then saw a lot of broken wall pieces. I can't believe I actually did all of that... Romaine looked really injured, and was bleeding all over.

I stopped by him and tried to help him up.

"Romaine, are you alright?" I asked

His eyes would barely open, and he was struggling to move.

"What are you.. doing.." He questioned with a very faint voice

"My Kyle wanted me to come get you." I explained


"Wait, don't talk. Come on"

I helped him stand up, but he didn't really seem to trust me much. I guess that was to be expected..

People started looking at us and flashing their phone cameras, so I sped off with him back to Mr Kyle.

Romaine's POV

Barely waking up from my hellish nightmare, I was just on the verge of begging for death when I saw Shante through the opening of my eyes.

Multiple things went through my mind at that point, and reasonably so. But really and truly, I wasn't in any position to retaliate of even refuse her assistance; since I could barely control any of my muscles. But she seemed quite genuine.

I don't know what could've happened in the time I was out, but it's not like I had time to worry about it anyway.

People had begun bombarding us by taking pictures, so Shante ran off with me barely hoisted onto her shoulder.

Though my vision was faulted, and I can barely remember what even happened then, I vaguely remember that something was definitely off about Shante's streak color. It seemed much brighter than usual, with off-colored sparks.

When we made it into the elevator, I could hear her very faintly in the background telling me to hold on.

The doors finally opened, and Shante clearly couldn't burden me on her shoulder anymore. I used what force I could to thrust myself off of her, falling to the ground, soon going unconscious again.

Dondre's POV

Now back out to the actual focus, I needed to take my mind off of all this insane stuff happening over at the lab.

"Sorry to keep you waiting ladies." I greeted, making my awesome entry, "I'm all yours now."

"Hey Tif," Toxica called out, "look who's back."

"Let's take him out before he leaves again." Twister responded

"Well sorry to disappoint, but I'm actually taken." I told them

If only Cas was as bold to ask me out as they were.

"Enough of the talking." Toxica belted

Toxica thrusted her hands forward, producing a cloud of her toxic gas.

After I dodged it with ease, the began barraging me with attacks.

Kyle's POV

"He looks more beat up than on the satellite feed." I commented

"Yes, but it seems his super-regenerative abilities have also kick in." Cas pointed out, "I'll just run a few tests and adjust his bone alignments is necessary."

"No need." I stated, walking up to his unconscious body

Slightly nudging his head with my foot, it was almost inapt seeing him in such a state.

"Hey," I called him, "Wake up."

"Kyle just what are you~" Cas was interrupted by Romaine's faint groans

"Walk it off." I told him, pushing more with my foot

"Do you have to be so harsh.." He rebutted, barely getting up

"You can overcome your injuries easily if you're determined enough to. Now heal up for a bit, I'm sure Dondre can hold them off for now."

"Romaine," Shante beckoned, helping him sit up, "I'm so sorry for what I did. I didn't mean it."

"I'm sure he'll get over it~"

I was most graciously interrupted by the sound of a heart monitor on the fritz.

"Mi Lady?" questioned the Prince

This was one of the few times I've ever seen Cas panic like this.

"Oh no-" I agitated, "That's Donte's heart monitor!"

"Huh-" I reacted

We rushed into the adjacent medical room, all parading behind Cas

"It's no good." She said, fiddling with a lot of equipment, "He's flatlining-"

"Donte-.." Shante quivered, "What's-.. what's wrong with him- What wrong with my brother-"

"Hey hey," I stopped her, "You're hyperventilating, calm down."

"What's... wrong with him.." Romaine questioned, barely managing to walk into the room

"Ugh, didn't you hear when I said to rest." I scolded, "You can barely even stand."

"Guys." Cas recalled our attention, "This isn't the time; his lack of brain activity's causing a total organ failure."

"Is there anything we can do?" I questioned

"I... there's no way to help him at this point.." She responded

"Bullshit." I stated, "Get out of my way."

Gently moving Cas aside, I looked at Donte, and was reminded of my brother.

"I'm going in." I stated

"What?" Cas responded, "Kyle, are you insane? If his brain shuts down while you're in there, there's not telling what could happen."

"I can't let that stop me. I've gotta at least try."

"I'm coming with you.." Romaine coughed, spurting blood from his mouth

"And you're equally as bad Romaine," Cas went on, "You're in no condition to fight."

"He might be able to join me." I said, "But it's only a hunch, no time to explain."

"I don't know what you guys are talking about." Shante joined in, "But if it involves helping my brother, I'm in."

"Well whatever the bloody lot of you decide make it quick." Interjected the Prince, "The lad's seizuring for god sakes."

"You guys grab on now." I commanded, placing my hands on Donte's head

Once the two placed their hands on my back, my palms begun illuminating the room.

"Here goes nothing." I mumbled