
Chapter 55: Tornadoes Clash

Dondre's POV

I really don't see what the rush is; I was just starting to have fun with these two.

As the two continued frustrating themselves by hurling attacks and having me easily dodge them, I felt it was a real shame having to lock them away.

"Sorry ladies." I apologized for the millionth time today, "But it looks like I gotta wrap this up now."

"Enough of your jabbering." Toxica went on, she did seem quite frustrated that they couldn't land a hit on me, "It's time we ended this once and for all."

"I'm pretty sure you've said that already." I commented

"Oh just you wait. Sis, the final move." She prompted

"I'm Ready."

Now standing side-by-side, the sisters extended their arms forward, looking even more devious than before.

"This can't be good." I mumbled

"Toxic Twister!" Announced the two

A massive amount of wind begun rotating, soon forming a tornado. The tornado then engulfed Toxica's poisonous gas, quickly wrapping itself with it.

The tall column of poisonous wind swiftly came in my direction. It wasn't as easy to dodge as the others, but it was still easy, seeing as I can go way faster than it without even trying.

"While I personally think it's uncool to announce the name of your move before doing it, I'll admit that it does look pretty cool." I jested, "Too bad it missed."

"Check behind you." Twister suggested, with a smirk on her face

Looking around, I saw the tornado flattening buildings in its path.

Though it was moving much slower than before, it was still causing major destruction. And some people even got caught in it's wrath.

"Hehehe" Twister giggled, "We'll definitely get the fame and publicity we wanted now!"

"What a pain." I mumbled

-"Dondre."- Cas came in, -"Are you able to contain the situation?"-

"Cas," I responded, "I doubt any amount of density shifting would stop a tornado made of toxic gas. But you know how awesome I am; I'll find a way."

-"I'm sending reinforcements"-

"But I just said I could handle it."

-"People's lives are in danger Dondre, you could use all the help you can get."-

"Whatever." I mumbled

Soon after, the psycho raced up to me.

Cas said she was sending reinforcements, and sends this pipsqueak? Seriously...

"What can I do to help Dondre?" She questioned

"Listen, kid." I stung, "Just stay out of my way."


Romaine's POV

"Why does he have to be like that?" I questioned

"He probably still resents her for being a previous henchman of Zero." Kyle suggested

"Well he's being ridiculous."

"People are dropping to the toxin left and right." Cas stated, "What are they waiting on."

Pressing on the button to trigger the mic, Cas communicated with them.

"Dondre, Shante. No wasting time and get put out of the perimeter." She commanded

-"You got it."- Dondre affirmed

"While they're doing that," Cas turned to us, "We need to think of a plan to stop that twister."

"Well I'd say they could easily counter the wind's rotation by running in a counter direction to it along the perimeter, but I doubt they'd be able to by-pass the toxins in it." I said

"You're right; they wouldn't be able to prevent themselves from ingesting the toxins if they were to do that. So the normal method is useless here."

"Well then in theory, if they were to create their own updraft of wind, then they'd be able to neutralize the existing one." suggested the Prince

"It's plausible." Cas stated, "But if their own tornado isn't stronger than this one, then it'll get starved of air and absorbed. It's risky, especially since the current twister keeps increasing in size."

"Well we're known for taking risks." I stated

I barely managed to walk over to the monitor set-up. Reaching over there, I pressed on the mic.

"Hey, can you guys hear me?" I questioned

-"Loud and clear."- responded Dondre

-"Yes Romaine."- Shante said

"Ok, well I want you two to listen closely."

-"Go on.."- Dondre allowed

"In order to stop the tornado, both of you need to get a reasonable enough distance from it, and create your own."

-"How are we gonna do that Romaine?"- Shante questioned

-"Yeah, how?"- Dondre followed

"It's simple; both of you just need to run counter-clockwise at paces equivalent to each other, gradually increasing your paces as the wind drafts around you."

-"Huh?"- Shante questioned

-"In simple terms,"- Dondre reiterated, -"Just run. Follow my lead and you'll be good."-


Dondre's POV

I'll admit working with this girl was a bit unsettling at first, but I guess you can't really blame her for what happened; it was all Zero's doing after all.

Executing the plan, I ran anti-clockwise as Romaine had instructed. Shante followed my lead as told. Now running in circles around an open space, you could barely notice the air around us beginning to circulate.

"Hey!" I called out to Shante behind me as we ran, "Kick it up a notch will ya'?"

"Right." She firmly nodded

Didn't think she actually had more in her, but she accelerated to the point where we were almost running side-by-side.

Now clearly I couldn't let her outdo me, so I accelerated even more.

Now you could better see our winds forming into a tall column of air, with us barely outside the border.

-"Great."- I heard Romaine say, -"You guys are doin good. Keep it up."-

We managed to maintain our speed for a couple seconds until the tornado was fully formed, but then it started doing something weird: the air from our tornado seemed to be getting sucked up by the other one.

"Guys." Shante called, "What's happening?"

-"Not good."- Romaine mumbled, -"The wind pressure of your tornado isn't as strong as the sisters', the two of you need to go faster."-

"But I'm going as fast as I can." Shante pointed out

See I hate being stuck in situations like this, but if I don't fix this now then I won't get to carry out any of my ambitions later on.

Without giving it a second thought, I held back slightly less of my speed, running even faster. I could see that my lightning streak was getting darker, which was my cue to limit more of my speed.

Our tornado now grew to a much larger size, quickly starting to consume the other.

Shante and I broke off, standing a reasonable distance and watching the winds at work.

"Sis! Give it more!" Toxica commanded

"Right!" Twister affirmed

Putting her hands forward, Twister created more winds, essentially feeding their tornado even more.

The two dastardly columns of raging wind collided, neither of which showed signs of letting up to the other. It was truly a sight to see, but ultimately, it all ended in a tie.

The tornadoes slowly dissipated as they ran out of force, including the toxins.

"Well all's well that ends well." I quoted in relief

"Dondre, we did it!" Shante cheered

-"Great job you two."- Romaine relieved

I'm all over these two now; this has gone on long enough

Upon the entrance of police officers to the scene, I snatched two of their handcuffs and restrained the aspiring villainesses.

"Hey!" Belted Toxica, "What's the big idea!"

"Yeah!" Twister followed, "Let us go!"

"Oooo, feisty." I responded, "It was fun while it lasted, but, I'd really love to get back to my normal life now if you don't mind."

After handing them over to the cops, I headed back to lab and spent the rest of my evening laying in the couch.

And I can say without a doubt, that there is no more comforting feeling.