
Chapter 62: Night of the Undead Part 1

Romaine's POV

Melany coming here was literally one of the worst things that could've happened to me tonight, on top of what already happened. Ugh

Obviously everyone had questions, and started bombarding my sister with their numerous words, but I had a concern much greater than theirs.

"How you find me here anyways?" I posed

The room settled as she merely smirked and raised her phone; one the screen of which was some sort of GPS app.

"No." I uttered in disbelief

"Mhm" she nodded

"You tracked my phone again?" I belted, "I told you to stop that!"

"Well you went missing from the house for a long while and I was worried about my little bro."

"Next time I'm leaving my phone at home."

"No need, I already know where to find here."

"Speaking of which, how'd you get in here?"

"Um, guilty." Dondre chuckled, "Saw her wandering around upstairs so I showed her in thought she was a friend of yours."

"Well it's nice to meet you all." Melany changed the subject, "Donte and Shante, haven't seen you two in a long time."

"Melany, you're too nice to be related to Romaine, much less be his sister." Cas commented

"Yeah, and too hot." Dondre added

"Yeah yeah she's my sister, get over it." I dismissed

"I'd still like to know why my brother's currently laying in a hospital bed, and also why there's two others that look exactly like him." Melany stated

The room dwelled in silence for a noticeable while. I didn't want my sister to get dragged into any of this, or become a part of whatever we had going on, and I'm sure my future version knew that; however I can't speak as to why the others kept quiet.

"No one? Really?" She insisted

Melany marched over to me and tugged on my ear.

"Hey, explain yourself."

"I really can't to be honest." I sighed

Saved by the bell, the crime alert went off. This late though?

"Isn't it like 11 PM or something?" Dondre voiced my concern

"Almost 11, yes." the Prince confirmed

We all rushed over to the monitor room, completely taken aback by the rather ill timed crime event.

Cleary my sister didn't understand what was happening, but she went along with the crowd once everyone had started moving.

"Wait, how's this possible?" Cas mumbled to herself

"What is it Cas?" Dondre questioned

"Look." She lead our glances back at the screens

On there was a map of the city, with red dots rapidly popping up and covering everywhere.

"What's happening?" I questioned

"All these red dots represent people who have recently died." She explained

"Why are there so many?" Melany mumbled

"More people are dying as we speak; the numbers are skyrocketing."

"And just who's to blame for this massacre?" questioned the Prince

"That's the even crazier part: the satellites aren't picking up any otherwise abnormal activity, X-Gene or inter-worldly."

"Could it be another buyer of the Tailor?" Dondre proposed

"No, I was able to program the satellites to pick up an energy signature unique to the Adroite-Gene."

"Damn, I forgot." I mumbled my older version, "This was the night Legion attacked..."

"Legion?" Cas questioned

"Mind telling us more, older me?" I asked

"I really shouldn't but... with the philosophers' stone, after Zero stole my powers he used it to create a group of superpowered lackeys, the first of which is showing his art work right now: Legion." he explained

"Anything else you can tell us?"

"His ability enables him to steal the shadows of people and mutate them into demons charged with his will, leaving the body of the victim nothing but a husk; essentially allowing him to be able to create an army of demon foot soldiers, a legion if you will."

"And just what is his will?"

"His orders from Black Zero: to capture you and kill everyone else in the way."

"Just how many people are we talking about here?" Melany questioned, "A hundred? Maybe three?"

"One thousand." Cas answered abysmally, looking up from her tablet

"A thousand?" Dondre exasperated, "We've got a thousand undead demon soldiers coming here just to capture Romaine?"

"Yes." older me stated

"We're dead." he proclaimed, "Totally, utterly, DEAD. As dead as all those corpses, maybe even more dead."

"Well ignoring Mr Pessimist over here," I refocused, "How do we stop them?"

"That, I can't tell you; I'm sorry but I've jeopardized enough by telling you this." older me responded

"So you tell us we're gonna die, then leave us hanging at how to avoid it. Brilliant." Dondre went on

"How long do we have until they're here?" questioned the Prince

"Not very long." Cas responded, guiding our eyes back to the monitors

Now there were countless dark-purple markers moving en route to us.

"We're doomed." Dondre sighed