
Chapter 82: The Great Speedster War Part 3: Wages of War

Future Romaine's POV

"Romaine." Cas called my attention, "The Squad's waiting on the field."

"Thanks. I'll be there soon."

Looking around in the control room, the other operators were already at work leading their squads.

"Ok. I'm ready." I told Cas, "Do you have the new drug ready?"

"Yes." She responded, opening a small metal box, "It's right here."

Looking in the box, there were only two vials. The usual light-bluish clear serum, which was the Oxidium-Z, and a magenta serum.

She first took my arm and injected me with the Oxidium-Z, then shortly after with the magenta serum.

"I was able to create a hydrogen isotope based serum out of mainly Deuterium. I've tested it many times and made improvements to create more compatible models, though no matter what I do it seems to only be viable once before killing the user if used on its own; which is why for now it can only be paired with the Oxidium-Z, as it naturally neutralizes the side-effects. The current model I've injected you with is D-5. How the D-5 works is that by stabilizing the ions formed by the Oxidium-Z, it'll greatly enhance energy output." She explained

"Wow. Thanks a lot." I replied, flexing my muscles

She wasn't joking; I felt much faster than when I use just the Oxidium.

"It only lasts around an hour, so make it useful." She advised

"Got it. I affirmed

Going closer to her at superspeed, I stole a kiss before zipping out of the control room.

"Love you!" my voice echoed in the room


Though I hadn't noticed it at first, when I'd arrived on the field I realized that my lightning was both light-bluish and purple; with strands of the lightning being either color. Likely due to the effects of the Deuterium.

"Hey, Commander." Samuel, AKA Cyclone, approached me, "I know we're supposed to be stopping the end of the world or something, but so far all I see is that we're evacuating the people out of the city for nothing. Are you sure about your intel?"

"I know it seems farfetched, especially since there's been no sight of Zero for years, but what's happening right now...I believe it's destiny that he and I would face off again. And finish things where we left off once and for all."

"Destiny huh? Is this related to another one of your 'visions'?"

"You know about those?"

"There's been some talk, yeah."

"Well I can't say anything for certain, but what I do know is that I was chosen by fate to be the Coordinate of Truth. And I'll stop at nothing until I fulfill my purpose."

Just then, an image of the doomsday clock flashed in my mind. The time it showing on its face was 11:57

"Three minutes to midnight." I muttered, realizing that I'd fallen to the ground

"Commander. Are you ok?" Samuel asked as he helped me up

Next a dark chill ran down my spine, and I could sense an eerie presence off in the distance.

"He's here." I told him, "Black Zero's here."

A thick a powerful strike of black lightning struck the ground from the skies around a mile away.

When the lightning receded to the skies, there he was standing in the dirt; Black Zero.

He let out a loud chuckle, then held the Philosophers' Stone in the air. Suddenly multiple dark rifts opened up, pouring out what seemed to be hundreds of grey zombies.

"Well it looks like someone's been busy." I commented

-"That explains why he's been gone for so long."- said Cas, -"He's been using all this time to charge the Philosophers' Stone."-

"Cas, link me up to the General Comms Channel." I requested

-"On it."-

Once the link was confirmed, I pressed on my earpiece and communicated to all the other heroes.

"Everyone!" I called, "This is the moment we've been preparing for! It's all or nothing!"

-"Romaine."- Cas came in, -"So far Jayden and the Garrisons have only evacuated 78% of the city. And the numbers of Zero's minions are increasing by the hundreds. If they break your frontline then we could suffer major collateral damage."-

"Alright then. Send Aries Squad to help with the evacuation, and some members from the Portland Squad. Then give me a status update on Satori Branch. Alpha and Beta will hold the frontline here."

-"Got it."- She affirmed

I turned to the heroes currently in my view on the field and gave the following orders.

"Alpha! Beta! CHARGE!"

We all approached the horde at full speed, going in like a crushing wave.

What we soon found out was that these weren't your ordinary run-off-the-mill zombies; every single one of these freaks had superspeed.

"That bastard." I groaned, pushing one of them off me, "How could he have gotten this much power?"

"This guy's no joke!" Samuel commented, struggling to get out of a dogpile, "Who knew he had the power to create such strong underlings, and so many at that."

"He must've been stockpiling power in the Philosophers' Stone as he gathered more throughout the years." I answered, running over and giving the zombie on him a speed punch

"Philosophers' Stone?" He questioned, slowly getting up with my help, "Is that the thing he carries around that lets him steal people's speed?"

"Yeah, and once he does so then he can do virtually anything with it."

I looked back up at the field to see multiple members from Beta and even some from Alpha being overpowered.

"We can't have casualties so early." I chastened, "Sam, go help them all out."

Cyclone simply nodded his head, then raced over to help assist some of the others.

I ran towards Taylor, who was having her own share of problems as well.

"How are we gonna beat all these guys Romaine?" She questioned

"I'm not sure, but we can't give up. If there's a hole in our defense then they'll easily break through. I'll be leaving the frontlines to you soon, think you can handle it?"

"I don't know. There's many more capable speedsters to do the job. Like Cyclone or~"

"Yeah but I chose you. You're the one I trust to lead this division. And I have full faith that you can do it."

"Well alright then."

After that I made my way back over to where I originally was to hold off some of the zombies.

"Cas, status update." I requested, meanwhile countering a bunch of attacks

-"City Evacuation's now complete. All members of Charlie Division are being sent to assist on the frontlines. And Satori Regiment is a few minutes away off-shore."-

"Great. Thanks."

Looking back off in the distance, Black Zero seemed to really be enjoying all of this.

"If you can't handle a couple thousand Marauders, there's no way you'll be a match for me." he chuckled

The dark rifts then grew three times larger, bringing out even more of those Marauders at alarming rates.

"I've waited patient and long for this day Romaine." he clenched his fist, "This is the day you finally DIE!!!"