
Chapter 85: The Great Speedster War Part 6: The Garrisons Unleashed

Future Romaine's POV

We were all left there inside Vanta Zero's storm struggling to stay on our feet. Some of the other speedsters also ensnared by the storm succumbed to the same fate as Taylor.

"There's no possible way we can keep this up any longer" whined Sam

"Guys. It's risky, but I have an idea." Donte suggested, "We can make a lightning rod."

"A lightning rod?" I questioned, "As in beaconing the lightning and redirecting it?"

"Kinda, but not really. I'll test out the theory first and we'll see how it goes."

"You're insane if you think you can take that thing head on." Sam pointed out

Another bolt of lightning came in from my right. Donte swiftly ran towards it with his lightning cloak on and intercepted the strike. The lightning bolt surged throughout his entire body for a short while as he stood paralyzed, but Donte shocked us all by hurling all the lightning back at its entry point; the sheer force of the redirected lightning bolt itself ripped through the boundaries of the storm.

"No freaking way." Jayden exasperated, "Did you just redirect his lightning?!"

"Eh, something like that." Donte responded

"By using your body as a natural conductor, you equally dispersed the lightning through your body to neutralize initial impact damage then redirected the excessive energy." I analyzed

"Yeah exactly." He said, "Though in my brain it was more like 'absorb and release', you explained it better."

"And not only that, but it also tore right through the storm's walls" Melany added

"I think we have our means of escaping." I told them, "Donte, guide us on how to do the Lightning Rod."

"Sure. It's a simple concept really; with the help of your lightning cloaks, try to conduct the incoming energy using your body. Don't resist the energy or else you'll probably just die; instead, disperse it throughout your entire body, then once all of the energy's contained, immediately release it by channeling it through your arm." he explained

"You heard the man, lightning cloaks back on; redirect any incoming lightning."

I'll admit my first time trying it was a bit nerve-racking; the energy kept surging through me and I felt almost completely overpowered, though before being damaged by it I was able to redirect it. And it didn't help that one of the other speedsters failed in doing so and was reduced to ash by the lightning.

Just then a bolt of lightning came shooting in, over 5 times the size of the others. It was too fast to dodge, and I was stuck there helplessly watching as it approached me in superspeed.

"Kaleidoscope 3rd Configuration: Luminous Vantage Point!"

Suddenly a portal opened under our feet, having the same pattern as one of Kirk's lenses. We all fell through the portal before the lightning made impact, teleporting us to the outside world.

A lot of us were a bit delirious with what had just happened, and also slightly confused.

"Seems like I saved you in time." Kirk commented, giving off a slight smirk

"I thought I told you not to come onto the field; unless you're a speedster you have no chance at surviving the storm." I scolded

"Well I couldn't just leave you all to die in there now could I? I don't exactly need superspeed to be useful."

"Well it's still insubordination either way you cut it. And like I said you have no chance against the storm."

"And how were you able to do that?" Jayden questioned

"My Luminous Vantage Point can teleport anything within my field of vision. Though I was only able to get a view of you guys for a split second when one of you disrupted the storm with your lightning; pretty lethal stuff I should adds." He explained

"Woah! This battlefield's filled with cool people!"

"Did I get everyone? Seems like much fewer than before."

I looked around and did a headcount. The only survivors left were Donte, Shante, Melany, Jayden, Samuel and myself; we went in with around 15 and came out with just 6. I can't believe we lost more than half of our speedsters to that storm...including Taylor...

I clenched my fist, and looked back at Kirk, who was clearly determined to help out. I could also feel that I was considerably slower, meaning the Deuterium must've worn off; and my theory was later confirmed when I speculated the color of my lightning. So if we planned on going back in, I'll definitely be at somewhat of a disadvantage.

"This is everyone we have. If you wanna help out in some way, then all we need is an opening. We'll take care of Zero after that." I stated

"An opening eh?" He questioned, putting on leather gloves that looked a lot like the ones Kyle used to wear, "I can do a lot more than just an opening"

He put on a wide smirk, then looked at each of us.

"Kaleidoscope 7th Configuration: Destiny Bond" he chanted

A large glowing mark appeared on each of our backs, then soon after faded.

"I'll uphold Kyle's will to the very end." he told me, "I'll do everything I can to keep you alive until my very last breath."

"We're gonna help out too." Jake interjected, coming up from behind with the other Garrisons

"Guys. You'll just get killed." I refused

"Well we aren't taking no for an answer; Kyle was our friend too."

"Well what could you do to help?"

"I'm exhausted, but I can make a few more barriers to help block incoming fire." Malcom said

"And I can provide cover fire." Jake added

"No promises, but I might be able to dispel his storms by lowering the air pressure if he tries to trap you again." Chris finished

"Well alright then." I affirmed, "We'll take one last go at him. He's played his cards, and now it's time for us to play ours."

-"Romaine. Are you sure about this?"- Cas questioned, seeming to have finally reconnected the communication channels, -"The D-5's effect on your body's now expired; I don't see any way you can beat him."-

"I'm more than sure. Just leave it to us Cas." I assured her, "And if anything happens to me out there, I'm sorry our child has to grow up without a father."

I temporarily disconnected from the comm channels, allowing me to focus on the war at hand. Looking over at Kirk, I gave him the affirming nod.

"We're ready." I stated

Kirk created 7 large lenses in the air above us.

"It's time I paid you back for what you did to Kyle; I've been saving these moves just for you." he said, "Kaleidoscope 9th Configuration: Shining God Swords!"

Gigantic broadswords made out of light were fired from his patterned lenses towards Zero, marking the start of our attack.

"There's your opening!" He pointed out, "Take it!"

While Vanta Zero was busy dodging the light swords, all the speedsters raced back into the storm, aiming to get to Zero.

Lightning bolts were still being put off by the storm and some even by Zero himself, but for the ones we weren't quick enough to dodge, Malcom created walls that protected us. All the while Zero was mostly preoccupied dodging Jake's fireballs and Kirk's light attacks; and every time he tried to stop us from getting close enough by manipulating the Speedster Storm, Chris would almost instantly dispel it.

Finally we were close enough to Zero to start engaging him in combat. Zero was currently dodging some of Kirk's light spears; I saw an opening and promptly took it. When I got close enough he quickly turned to me and swung his claws right for me.

"Kaleidoscope 7th Configuration: Destiny Chains!"

Suddenly I felt the mark Kirk had placed on my back earlier reappear, and I was instantly pulled out of the way. I ended up being pulled all the way back to where Kirk was as a matter of fact.

"What in the hell was that?" I questioned, looking up at Kirk as he held a chain made out of light that connected to my back

"Destiny Bond; it connects me to the souls of others that I mark with it, and by using destiny chain I can easily guide your soul and your body has to follow." he explained

I watched as he used the same move to pull the others out of harm's way with chains on their backs. Even though he was holding multiple chains he was able to intricately guide all of them just as he wanted.

"Keep up the good work." I chuckled, running back onto the field

Now being aware of Kirk's Destiny Bond ability, I'll admit I was a bit more slack on trying to dodge attacks and just put my full faith in him that he'd protect me; instead I focused on just trying to get in as close as possible and land a hit.

I channeled the charged energy into my body and pounded my fists onto the ground, creating an electro-shockwave. Vanta Black Zero jumped backwards to avoid the attack. When he again made contact with the ground, he swiftly dug his claws into it and drove it forwards into the air; which resulted in a lot of shrapnel being thrown towards me.

Kirk moved me out of the way while I was in midair; which isn't something I would've been able to do myself. And when I landed I hurled a bolt of lightning straight for him, which he flawlessly dodged.

"Pointless Puppet Tricks." Zero scoffed, fending off attacks from the others, "I've had ENOUGH!"

Vanta Zero infused his claws with his black lightning and struck Shante in the face.

His claws dug through not only her suit but into her skull; then the next thing we knew she fell lifeless to the ground, screaming in pain as she died.

"Kirk!" Donte shouted, "What the hell was that man! How could you let that happen!"

I get that he's upset over it, but you still have to cut Kirk some slack; he is simultaneously manipulating 6 different people after all, you can't expect him to be perfect.

"I'm sorry, he moved too fast for me." Kirk apologized, "I can't exactly see things in slow motion like you speedsters."

"Donte, you're fighting the wrong enemy." I told him, "It isn't Kirk's fault she died, he did everything he could; it's Zero who's to blame."

Donte turned back at Vanta Black Zero and firmly gritted his teeth. He then raced forward in unbridled anger and speed.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" He screamed