
Chapter 91: Kick into Overdrive Part 2

Donte's POV

We spent all our time for the last month training day and night, and I wasn't about to let it all go to waste.

"As I told you two before," The Prince's words echoed in my head again, "We've but only scratched the surface of your potential. Now during this time I'll be attempting to teach you how to use your opposing forces in compliment, rather than combining them as with Zero Energy."

By now Shante and I had mastered our fighting synergy, so there was no need for words right now; we already knew everything the other one was thinking.

"Now, by constantly infusing your body in a thin yet concentrated layer of your energy, you simulate something known as a magnetic aura, basically making the two of you magnetic poles to each other. Donte serves as the North pole, and Shante the south."

As we gained more ground, I started pulling ahead of Shante while she enabled her magnetic aura.

"You'll notice that when you both do so you're magnetically drawn to each other. The potency of your magnetism is also directly proportionate to how much energy you output in your aura. Though if just one of your were to enable your aura and transfer some of the energy to the other, then you'd feel a repulsive force. Simply put, opposite poles attract while like poles repel, and both of you can manipulate that."

Once we were both ready, Shante braced my back with her hand, covering me with her red magnetic pole; which launched me forward at a much faster speed.

"Twin Rocket!" We shouted as I flew through the air towards Overdrive with my speed punch ready

He barely dodged me by a centimeter, though we'd expected him to do something like that.

"By adding the forces of attraction and repulsion to your arsenal, your battle maneuvers will be greatly improved. For the time being we'll work on your speed and magnitude with which you manipulate your poles."

I immediately enabled my magnetic aura, which was colored blue, and Shante increased the power of hers, causing me to stop flying forward but towards her instead.

This one definitely caught him off-guard, because I was able to land a kick in his neck on my way back.

"And Boomerang!" we said as she caught me by my arms

While he was stunned we used the momentum of my movement to spin around. While spinning Shante and I switched places, with me now on the ground and her ending up in the air. Then finally she disabled her magnetic aura as I threw her towards Overdrive; all while infusing her with my aura to propel her faster.

"Now Catapult!" we continued as she flew towards him

The crazy dude actually managed to catch her punch while she was going at such a high speed, and didn't seem bothered by the electricity of her attack at all.

"No more games." He said, crushing Shante's hand and throwing her to the side

"Shante!" I called out, running to help her, "Are you ok?"

"I think he broke it." She cried in pain

-"You're right. Several of your phalanges are severely fractured."- Cas said, -"Shante, I highly recommend you withdraw from the fight."-

Seriously. This dude has no boundaries. Well in that case it looks like we'll have to use our secret weapon.

"Do you think you can do it?" I asked her, "It's fine if you can't"

"I'm ok." She sniffled, clearly trying to hide the pain, "Let's do it."

Her dominant hand was the one that got broken, so for this move she'd have to be using her left hand; meaning she'd have to be on the right side this time around.

There's a higher chance we'll mess up now since we aren't using our dominant hands like we're used to, but being ambidextrous should help me out with that.

"Now I wouldn't be teaching the lot of you this unless I was absolutely certain that you'd be responsible when using it and that you're both ready. The Zero Energy Cannon focuses on high energy output over a large area, and what I'll be teaching you now will focus that high energy output into a much more compact area, almost a singular point."

Shante and I started racing around the city multiple times, generating as much energy as possible. Once we had enough charged, we bulleted towards Overdrive. As the distance got smaller, Shante and I joined hands while we concentrated on performing the move.

"Unlike the massive blast radius of the Energy Cannon where you simply release and project the energy, this technique requires a lot more work, and should only be focused on a single point. Once you've generated enough individual energy and managed to create the Zero Energy, I want you to trying rotating it. And the longer you maintain it, the faster you should rotate it until it takes form, all while still focusing on a singular point; I know it sounds difficult, but I believe that for you two it's possible."

Shante and I combined our energy, trying very hard to contain the Zero Energy we were creating. Once that part was done, we tried our hardest to rotate it while focusing on one spot and not losing control of it. Though it was difficult at first, we managed to pull it off; the Zero Energy was now spinning like crazy at a constant speed, and it took the shape of a pointy cone.

With nothing left to lose, we plunged our hands forward, shouting together as the attack hit him right in the chest.

"Zero Energy Drill!"

A massive shockwave came out from the Drill, and the force of the shockwave alone left gigantic drill marks in the ground. But despite all of that Overdrive was still standing; actually, it looked like the drill just went straight through him. His body started flickering and he became translucent.

-"Donte, Shante! It's an afterimage!"- Cas warned

Before we could even react Overdrive appeared behind us and kicked Shante in the back. The next thing I knew she was unconscious.

"Did you really think I'd sit idly by while the two of you charged such an obviously devastating move?" He questioned

He then kicked me over and shocked me with his electricity, leaving me nearly paralyzed.

-"Donte you need to get your sister and get out of there."- Cas instructed

Even though it all hurt and my body wanted to give up, I stood up and ran over to Shante. I checked to make sure she was fine to some extent, then put her over my back and ran towards Dondre.

As expected, Overdrive easily caught up to me and kicked me over again, causing Shante to fall off my back and land beside Dondre's body.

"I despise cowards." He shamed

-"Donte, there's no use, you need to save yourself. We can rescue the other two later"- Cas said

There's no way I'd leave them behind like this, especially not my sister. So I rather die right here than leave them.

I used all the strength I had to stand up and go between Overdrive and the other two.

"I might not be able to stop you," I told him, choking on blood in my mouth, "but the least I can do is protect them."

"A coward, but a noble coward." He commented