
Chapter 100: The Color of Black

Romaine's POV

Waking up in the lab, I found myself in a rather droopy atmosphere; though a noticeable number of them were absent. I was hooked up to an IV unit on the medical bed. By the looks of it, I was out for several hours.

"What happened?" I questioned those that were here

"You suffered a heart attack." Cas informed me, grimly looking over my vitals, "That enhancement technique, it puts considerable strain on your heart and blood vessels. If I'd been any second later with getting you here, you would've died. I suggest you don't use it again; if similar strain is put on your heart, you won't survive."

She seemed quite distraught; though her soft tone was nearly lifeless.

Looking around the room, I noticed that some members of the team were missing.

"Where are the others?" I questioned

"Dondre ran off into the woods." Cas responded

"Ms Melany was captured by Double Dial." the Prince added

"And Taylor left earlier. She said she felt bad for all the trouble she caused us." said Shante, who was helplessly trying to hold up her semi-conscious brother.

"What about Midas and the League?" I inquired further

"Only three confirmed League Members were apprehended, and as we speak they're being transported to Delapenha Penitentiary. As for Midas, he along with the other League Members got away." Cas stated

"Damnit." I thought out loud, "How'd things turn out so badly?"

"We were prepared, yet we were no match for them."

Contemplating everything that'd occurred today, I decided it was finally time to do something.

"Where exactly is Dondre?" I questioned her

"In the woods near the camp where we set up the trap for Zero a couple months ago. He's been going there every afternoon since his mom died."

Helping myself out of the bed, I approached the door to exit the room.

"Where are you going Romaine?" She questioned me

Stopping in my tracks, I took a slight glance back at her before continuing on.

"To sort things out." I muttered

"So I was right then." She stopped me again, "It is him."

"And what if it is?"

"If it's him then you have to take me with you. I'm not going to watch you die."

"I'm sorry Cas, but this is something I have to do alone."

After exiting the room, I put on my pair of Friction Resistant Shoes and left the laboratory.

On my way to Dondre's location I experienced many mixed feelings and uncertainties, but for the past month I wasn't just strengthening my body; I was also strengthening my mind, for this exact moment.

Coming to a stop a couple meters behind him, I slowly marched forwards, watching as he stroked a pencil across paper.

"Didn't expect you so soon." He acknowledged me, not even taking a glance at me, "Feeling any better?"

"So you're into art now?" I questioned

"A new hobby I picked up recently; only way I get to freely express myself these days."

"I see. I guess a lot more's changed about you than I realized."

"People change Romaine, you just gotta adjust to the environment."

"I've known you for a very long time Dondre. And despite your actions I know you've never been into material things."

"No surprise there. So what are you getting at?"

"I asked myself many times why you'd do this, but I could never really wrap my head around it."

"You're beating around the bush here. What is it?"

"The traitor that Kyle sacrificed his life uncovering, it's you."

Though I couldn't see his face at the time, I could tell that he now had a wide smirk plastered there.

"So you finally figured it out huh?" He indirectly admitted, slowly rising to his feet.

As the notepad he was drawing on fell to the ground, I was able to glimpse what he'd been working on prior to my arrival; a person's heart with a knife put through it.

"So then I'm right. You're working for Black Zero."

He burst out into laughter, almost as if I'd genuinely amused him in some way; which only somehow further increased the tension in the air. Once he'd finally quieted down, he turned to face me for the first time in this entire conversation. Only now when I looked into his eyes, he looked like a completely different person.

"You are so wrong, you blubbering fool." He said in a darker tone, "I'm not working for Black Zero."

He then started to run in a very small circle, though at the speed he was going, all I could see was his lightning. Now with my guard up, I watched as his trademark yellow hued lightning transitioned into red, then soon black. It was after the full realization had hit me that he stopped running and was now wearing the corresponding speedster suit.

"I am Black Zero."

I was prepared to accept that my bestfriend had betrayed me...but this...this was far worse...

He could clearly see the shock and confusion that was plaguing my mind. After letting out his signature laugh, he sped off towards the city. I had no time to even think or react, the adrenaline inside me was now being fueled by pure hatred.

Racing after him, I started to regret not coming in my suit instead of just these shoes; these damn shoes will get worn out in no time, and without the suit it'll be a lot harder to conduct my electricity.

"Dondre!" I called out, "What was all of this to you then? Was this all just pretend for you?"

"It must be hard for your petty heart to even comprehend such a thing." He answered

"All this time, you were fooling all of us! And all those months of torture, none of it was true!"

"It's your own fault for buying such obscene nonsense. But then again it allowed me to infiltrate your ranks with ease."

Black Zero then ran around a few corners, possibly in an attempt to lose me; though if he'd really wanted to lose me he could've with ease, so I suspect that he was merely stringing me on.

"Zero!" I screamed, "Why! Why you bastard why! You killed all our friends!"

"Your friends, Romaine." He responded, maintaining the lead, "I never once considered any of them more than weapons to use against you."

"You damn bastard! You even killed your own subordinates!"

"They were nothing more than tools to achieve my goals." He chuckled

"You say us humans are disgusting."

Quickly amplifying my breathing, I enhanced my body by 100 Fold and launched myself into the air. Holding my fist over him as I crashed down, I channeled all available energy.

"But then what does that make someone like you!"

As I slammed down to the ground, Black Zero merely stopped running, turned to face me, then blocked my fist by crossing his arms. Immediately after he'd parried my attack, Zero then knocked me backwards.

Somewhat swiftly recovering, I charged back in for round 2.

"You're worse than any other human that could possibly exist!" I screamed, firing another punch towards him

"Don't you ever dare compare me to you human scum ever again!" He belted, dodging my punch and giving me a fist full of lightning to the chest

Being jostled back a couple of feet before I could regain proper footing, my organs brought forth blood.

"Look at you, you're barely even able to stand after just one hit. Pathetic."

"Aunt Khim...The Rising Sun...Kyle...Future Me...My Mother...you killed them all. And for what? Some petty grudge? The wills of the people you killed have been entrusted to me, and I won't stop until you're dead."

"Yes, that hatred you're feeling, that's the very thing that's been driving me all this time."

"Cassandra..." I thought to myself, "I'm sorry, but...I'm gonna have to do it..."

Slowly adjusting myself into the sprinting position, I took long deep breaths.

"I'm gonna make you pay for all the pain you've caused everyone."

"A lowly human such as yourself could never hope to be on the same level as me."

"Augendae, 100,000 FOLD!"

The shockwave produced from the sudden increase of energy in my body shattered the ground we were standing on, even collapsing some buildings within range.

My eyes got flushed, my blood started to boil, and my vision began to blur. The sweat intensely perspiring from my body instantly evaporated to steam. This is it, there was no turning back now.

"Are you so blinded by your anger that you're willing to push for a meaningless death?" He mocked, "You've always been such a fool."

Wanting not to waste more time than I already have, I infused my body with my super speed, right before dashing towards him surpassing the very speed of light itself.

Immediately closing the distance between us, I shot my fist directly in Zero's face, blasting him back hundreds of feet.

"Don't you dare underestimate me again." I whispered, "You of all people should know first hand by now."

Getting up from the remains of a former office complex, Zero snarled as he looked at me.

"Don't get so cocky, you naïve child."

Keeping my guard up for his counter attack, I displaced myself to teleport behind him, delivering a spin kick to his spine; with which he easily blocked by catching my leg.

"Impossible." I grunted

As he plastered a smirk across his face, I now noticed the glowing Philosophers' Stone in his hand.

"So that's how he blocked me." I thought, still suspended in the air by Zero, "He's using the stone to boost his power."

Gritting my teeth, I used my superspeed to act before he could do anything.

"Petty, much?" I mocked, swiftly twisting my body around to kick him in the head with my other leg

Smashing Zero's head straight into the ground, I was now free from his hold.

Even though the fight had just began, I was already heavily panting and my muscles were in immense pain; and Zero was undoubtedly aware of that fact. Though I had no intention of stopping until either of us were dead.

Barely able to keep my balance, I watched as Zero got back up to his feet. The impact from my last attack seemed to have ripped off part of his suit. Half of his head was now visible, and it really put a lot of things into perspective for me.

For the half of his face that I could see, there were many deep and visible scars. He had the appearance closer to that of a 20 year old Dondre, rather than a 17 year old. Most of his hair seemed to have been ripped out somehow, though the clusters that remained were certainly Dondre's signature brown hair. The skin on his jaw was also notably missing, exposing bare flesh and muscle. And as for the side of his face that I couldn't see, though his mask was still covering it, I could at least tell that there was no skin or muscle there, just bones. His skin seemed to transition from damaged on one side to singed in the middle, then torn off on the other side.

"Dondre I-..what...happened...to you.." I muttered

Never once before this did I actually put any deep thought into why Black Zero could've possibly hated me so much, but now...I was starting to think that maybe...I'm the one who did this to him...somehow.

Clearly self-conscious about it, Black Zero abandoned the fight and took off.

Once my breathing returned to normal, my body was fully aware of all the staggering pain sustained while in my previous form, once again causing me to collapse to the ground.