Chapter 7: Looming threat Pt. 2

"So you're telling me.. the whole event was some sort of ploy to get someone to go along with you guys?" oza asked not really amused..

"Yes and gabriela really does need help.. once we arrive there and we defeat the main bad guy we will reward you."

"Fine so how long is the trip?"

"It'll take us a month if we go there by foot.. but we already have something arranged.. we leave tonight is that fine by you?"

"No complaints from me."

And with that the group left the abandoned church and were outside the city borders with a bunch of food supplies and other necessities.. ori then called out to something and what arrived was some pretty interesting creatures.. two wyverns came flying down and landed in front of the group.

"Woah are these actuall wyverns? They look pretty intimidating." he said while patting one's head..

"Yes and since gabriela here is anxious to get there.. are you sure you're fine with just that cloak? You don't want any other gear?"

"Yeah i'm pretty capable.. now up we go." he climbed the wyvern and gabriela and ori did the same "Lead the way."

Ori nodded and soon they took off oza seemed like he was riding alone but ali was in front of him analyzing the two..

"So get anything? They don't act like your normal npc.." he whispered to ali..

"No.. they are human.. but they live in a different realm than us.. if you noticed this place isn't as advanced.. the town we lived prior to coming here is much more advanced."

"Either way they're in trouble i have to help.. let's just hope my stats are good enough."


"Ori! You mind telling me where we are actually headed?" ori slowed down and matched with oza..

"Yes a land far from our home.. the land where gabriela lives the city of ruin noria."

"So flying will take us there half the time right?"

"Yes by foot it would take almost a month but using these wyverns we can get there in 1 week tops!"

"Including breaks right?"


"Alright then let's go as long as possible and rest up when we need too."

Ori nodded and soon their journey to noria was underway.. the trip was pretty boring but oza got to know more about albeit only a little ori and gabriela.. on the fourth day of there trip one particular night gabriela wanted to talk with oza.. he ordered ali to be on stand by until something came up..

"So what made you want to talk to me alone gab?"

"It's just.. you really don't know anything about the past?"

"Aside from you always calling me arthur nothing much.." gabriela gave a small smile

"I'll start then.. Long ago you were one of the strongest soldiers and the rightful king of the city of ruin.. your time as king was short but you were loved by all.. a leader no one opposed and followed through every battle.. For years you fought battles harder than you could have ever handled but you always managed to pull through.. but on this one battle.. you disappeared no trace and no way of finding you the only remnant of you was your sword who was stuck in the stone.." oza was shocked to hear the story of this arthur who was supposedly him in the past..

"Listen.. this arthur.. he might have lived as a king and a ruler but.. i live as a wondering adventurer and i maybe this arthur person but there's no definitive way of that being the case.. I want to help you take back this place.. from this monster who still i don't even know the name of but i'm here as oza shizaki and i'll help anyone in need.." gabriela smiled but a single tear fell from her eye she walked up to oza and hugged him tight.. "Woah.. gab what's gotten in-"

"Let me have this.. you act and sound just like him.. how can you not expect me to see that.."

Oza just returned the hug but something inside of him kinda felt empty.. but he ignored it and after the hug gabriela bid him goodnight and left him to be alone.. ali then came from behind him and stood next to him...

"So what happened?"

"She really believes i'm this arthur guy she keeps talking about.. but i think there's something deeper in play here.."

"Well this may be part of the quest remember?"

"Yeah but they all act just like humans it's really freaking me out.."

"Remember why you wanted to do this quest.. so that you can become stronger right?"

"Yeah, And helping them is also a priority remember? Now come on we better get back "

Ali nodded and disappeared into blue pixels.. oza left too and headed to their campsite where his tent was set.. he got in and slept soundly.. the next day they were back on track flying over the endless forest that covered their view.. but ali then saw some children being chased by monsters

"Oza children are being chased by monsters just below us go down now!" oza nodded and directed the wyvern down..

the two then noticed that oza was gone and heard an explosion making them turn back to assist oza.. oza then threw some exploding potions that he was given by ori..

"Damn if only I had magic!"

one of the children then tripped oza noticed so he suddenly jumped off the dragon to help them.. he killed some of the monsters that were chasing the children giving them time to escape but he was getting overwhelmed.. he used invader and his long sword to kill a decent amount but he was then hit on the back by a wizard type monster that used a lightning spell oza looked to see it firing again he smiled and dodged all the other incoming attacks.. now having some distance between him and the monsters he quickly opened his skills tab and saw that he had acquired a new skill


~Active skills~

'Overkill Lvl. 1'

-Increases strength, speed, and gives bleed effect on any enemy struck with the users weapon at the price of decreasing mana by 1% per 2 seconds.

'Lightning manipulation Lvl. 1'

-User manipulates lightning magic to a certain extent.. can be fired off, shaped and morphed to apply on weapons. Uses 5% mana with every use and also applies to continuous use of the magic.


"Alright to test this out!" oza sheathed both his weapons and started charging

ori and gabriela landed to see oza charging up something in his had and they say that it was some sort of spear... he then threw the spear the size was pretty big it killed most of the monsters and the remaining soon retreated.. he then got a pop up



You gained 4 levels!


"Whew.. that was close.." he wiped his fore head and dismissed the pop up and headed towards the children.. who were in ah of his abilities.. "Are you three alright?"

"Yes mister!" The happily answered..

"You three should be careful from now on.. now run along your parents must be worried."

The children left smiling and one of them gave oza a hug for saving them and soon followed behind the others.. ori and gabriela then approached oza..

"Oza that was amazing! I didn't know you had any kind of magic."

"Yes and very powerful magic at that."

"sorry i kept it hidden.. hey since it's turning to knight how about we all camp out here?"

"Great idea.. gabriela get the tents ready and i'll get the food.. this will be our final break and tomorrow one last stretch and we will be in the city of ruin"

"Glad to hear it i'll go and clean up.."

Ori nodded and left oza.. the two got down to work.. nightfall came and everyone was eating.. ali was resting.. after eating dinner oza finally asked..

"So why are we killing back at the city of ruins anyway?" ori and gabriela looked at each other and nodded.

"Oza we're sorry for not telling you sooner.. we just had to see if you could really be someone who can save the city of ruin.."

"Yes ori is right.. we truly are sorry.."

"Don't mind.. but now tell me.. what really are we fighting here?" they both turned silent.. the situation was tense but gabriela spoke up..

"The monster we're fighting.. is arthur.."