Chapter #2: Diviner's City - The Past

In a flash of purple light Modoru appeared and landed in heap in the dirt of the mine. He got up and looked at his surroundings. They were not what he recognized – in fact they were nothing at all like where he was previously. Where was he? Had he ported to far? And where was Nokosu? "Nokosu!!!" he yelled. No answer except for the emptiness of the mine. However there was one thing ahead of him that had not been there before. There was an old subway train in front of him. When did that get there? Had they completely missed it in the dark of the mine? Resolving now to exit the mine, he would need backup especially with what might have happened to Nokosu. Retracing his steps was easy, and during that time he decided what to say to his comrades. However as he exited the mine, he almost fell over in shock. Expecting to see his fellow soldiers, they were nowhere to be seen. Even the airship was supposed to wait for them but it wasn't there either. Worse….when had there been rolling fields of grass? When they landed it was dirt and ground. Kneeling now Modoru's hand started trembling, but he grabbed it and steadied himself. There must be a perfectly sound explanation for this. He must have ported too far out. Grabbing his radio, he called his squad.

"Any…anyone there? This is Modoru, 3rd squad elite. Anyone copy?" he asked shakily. No answer. He could not hold it in anymore and let out deep breath he was holding in. "WHERE IN THE WORLD AM I?" After his outburst he felt better, but still was confused as to the whole situation. Resolving to calm himself and use his training, he knew that if was in unknown territory he would need to first establish communication. Heading out and strapping his jet black armor tighter with his goggles on, he started walking. The one thing he noticed first and foremost was that the road he was on had actual tracks and markings of wheels – like there were public transit with wheels. Modoru dismissed this as an extremely random sighting until 5 minutes later he saw a public transit bus; that was being propelled by wheels. Modoru's jaw fully slacked and his mouth dropped. He caught himself and quickly assessed the situation. Those public transit buses with wheels haven't been used for 50 years. He would need to hurry and establish communication lest something else surprising show up. Walking now he found a Chinese diner that was named ricebowls in Chinese or Fanwan. As he walked in, all he would need would be a phone as he knew the number and calling code of his unit. Walking over to the phone now, he dialed 3-4-1. Then held the 0 button for 5 seconds. Just as he expected the phone started ringing. 'at least this is working,' he thought. The phone answered.

"Hello?" the operator said.

"3rd squad elite soldier, Modoru. Reporting in," Modoru said.

"Who is this?" the operator said.

"Modoru sir,"said Modoru. "I have been seperated from my squad and need backup."

"Son this better not be a prank. How did you even get this number?" said the operator.

"I…..sir it's Modoru and I need backup." Modoru said he sounded more concerned.

"This is government number. Don't call again," said the operator as he hung up. 'Government number?' thought Modoru. What was going on here? Government's aren't even part of Diviner's city anymore. The last time they were used was….50 years ago. His stomach dropped and Modoru had seen enough to connect the dots but needed proof. He walked over to one of the waitresses and asked something.

"Excuse me what year is it?" asked Modoru cautiously.

"Why its 2021," said the waitress.

"…..its not 2071?" asked Modoru. The waitress laughed.

"Oh of course not. Not unless your 50 years from the future," laughed the waitress and went back to her work. In an absolute tizzy, Modoru walked out Fanwan restaurant and threw up. He knew it. The wheels on the public transit, the government number. All signs of past operations of Diviner's city, however in the past. Modoru didn't know what to do. There was no preconceived training for something like this. His only knowledge of the situation was that it could have possibly been because of the extra amount of Xenophite that reacted with the C.S device. If he could find enough Xenophite to power the device again, maybe he could go home. Steeling himself now, he decided to head back to the mine and possibly start a search on finding Xenophite. As 15 minutes passed and Modoru reentered the mine, he noticed that he was not alone. He could see a figure teleporting around the inside of the subway train and was wearing a blue hoodie. Could that be who he thought it was?? Sprinting now to the inside of the subway train, Modoru yelled.


"…hmm? Oh wow you're here too. That means it WAS because of you…." Nokosu said.

"I thought you were dead!...are we where I think we are….?" Modoru asked as he needed confirmation.

"Clearly not soldier. As to where we are…..welcome to Diviner's city, 2021. 50 years in the past." Nokosu said.