Chapter #9: The Heist - Part 1

Modoru donned his black military armor under the generators light. Tonight was the night – the night they steal Xenophite from the Shibuya. Admittedly, despite himself he was excited. He hadn't been on heist in a long time. Heists, no matter for what reason, always got his adrenaline flowing. He hoped Nokosu was ready for this. This wasn't the tightest security regiment that he had gone up against. I mean teleporting does have its advantages. However, it was strict enough to someone like Nokosu – who was just a beginner. Over the last 3 nights, he had drilled Nokosu to death, and just like his expectations, he had gotten better. The time would be now if they were to steal anything at all, while Nokosu was fresh and polished. He looked at his friend who was donning a leather armor he had bought from a fishing store. He had dyed it black and told Nokosu it was for protection. Nokosu said that it would restrict his movement, but both Modoru and Agatha agreed for its use. It would be much needed just in case they got into fight. Little did Nokosu know, Modoru had also gotten it for his friend because it was very cheap protection from bullets. While working at Shibuya, Modoru had gotten a look at the type of protection details the security uses – and they used guns. Lots of Guns. Meishu wasn't joking when he said they trained their security officers in lethal force. If tonight got into a fight, Nokosu would be grateful for that leather armor. As he strapped his signature goggles on now, he did a quick prayer. Modoru had always been religiously driven. Despite being estranged from his family, and in spite of his job with the military, he had always looked to God for help during times of need. It helped calm his nerves. However, he had not revealed this to Nokosu, not yet. As this was a very private part of himself. Finishing now, he got up and walked over to Nokosu who was talking with Agatha.

"Be super careful tonight hun," Agatha said as she looked at Nokosu with concern in her eyes.

"I will. I've been training for days on end. Modoru says nothing should go wrong if we stick to the plan….right Modoru?" Nokosu said as Modoru approached him.

"Right." Modoru said confidently. "Just follow my lead. Are ready to go you two?"

"Just one quick second," Agatha said as hopped over to Nokosu and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "For luck hun."

"Thanks Agatha," Nokosu said as he hugged her. "Ok Modoru, let's go."

"I'll be waiting for you guys inside the mine. Good luck." Agatha said.

"Let's get it." Modoru said who walked away and simultaneously ported and disappeared. A second later Nokosu flexed his wrists outward, and a flame appeared near his palm. He engulfed his fingers around it and he too disappeared.

The plan for them was to approach the building of Shibuya from atop the adjacent buildings. Approaching from ground floor would be too obvious and would be met with security. They wouldn't have much trouble porting too and from atop buildings if they maintained the maximum porting distance; which was 50 meters. Buildings in Diviner's city were built closer together, almost 20 meters close. This was to accompany the large amount of population of what was left of humanity. Each city tried to accommodate as much people as possible. Diviner's city was one of the most populated bastion cities. As they ported up to the top of Fanwan restaurant, Modoru took the lead and starting running past the various ventilation systems and air condition devices. Nokosu for the most part kept up with him. Modoru took a slower pace however as this was Nokosu's first time. As they approached their first gap in between buildings, Modoru jumped into the air and ported forward. Nokosu followed - wrist mounted lighters on and engulfing the flame in his palm. Moving forward 2 blocks north under the same routine, they got to the Shibuya building in around 30 minutes. Taking a quick breather, Modoru looked across the building they were on, to the top of Shibuya corporation. All seemed quiet. The door to the building's inside was just 40 meters away. Modoru looked at Nokosu who was barely huffing and puffing. He was glad his friend had kept up this far, especially for a beginner. He raised a thumbs up too him, and Nokosu returned it signalling he was ready to go. Wasting no time, Modoru got up and ported to the top of Shibuya building in a crouched position, Nokosu following suite. As they walked to the door, Modoru noticed from the corner of his eye, a figure come from behind them. Instincts kicking in, Modoru teleported behind it just as it raised its voice.

"Hey! Who are you too!" the security officer said. Nokosu who had not seen or suspected the officer, raised his hands up.

"Shit…..uhhh….we're here for inspection?" Nokosu joked as he turned around. Inwardly though, Nokosu panicked as he also noticed Modoru had disappeared.

"Inspection? I wasn't under…ugh…." The security officer said under Modoru's tight full nelson. As the officer collapsed Nokosu looked at Modoru wild-eyed.

"Bro, I thought you had left me." Nokosu exclaimed under a muted breath.

"On the contrary, I briefly left so I could get the upper hand on him." Modoru said. "Don't worry your fine. I guess we mistimed our arrival though, because we ran into the 3rd floors security guard."

"Are there going to be anymore surprises?" Nokosu asked a little bewildered.

"Hopefully not. But don't be naïve Nokosu, there's always a chance things might go wrong like it did just now. I got your back though, I know your not a fighter yet. Just follow my lead." Modoru said trying to calm him down.

"Ok…yeah I'm not that dumb as to suspect everything will go alright. It's just…he took me by surprise, that's all. Lead the way Modoru. I'll be right behind you." Nokosu said.

"Good, lets go." As they entered the building's 3rd floor from atop the roof, they quickly went down the stairs into the main hallway. Before heading in, Modoru quickly addressed Nokosu. "Remember, max porting distance. 50 meters. Follow me very very closely Nokosu."

"Will do bud." Nokosu said.

"Ok, here we go." As Modoru entered the hallway, he almost immediately teleported forward and Nokosu did the same. The camera of that stretch of hallway noticed their movement and pinged to their location. However, in the seconds of appearing 50 meters ahead, Modoru vanished again as he went back to teleporting that fast. Nokosu vanished instantly as well upon reappearing, having had drilled this in the mine for a week on end. As they appeared now under the camera's blindspot having cleared the southern stretch of the hallway, Modoru's counted down with his fingers from 3. Upon reaching one, he disappeared again 50 meters away followed by Nokosu. They followed this pattern until they both cleared the western and northern stretch of hallway. Upon reaching the door the next flight of stairs, Nokosu let out a breath he was holding in.

"Holy shit. That was hard…give me a second to recuperate." Nokosu said.

"OK, max 2 min." Modoru said. "Don't worry, it's the same thing for 2 more levels. Bearing any random security changes we should be just fine."

"Ok…." Nokosu said. As Nokosu took his two minute breather, he hoped things would keep going smoothly, little did he know, the night was about turn upside down.