Chapter #17: Truths and Family

As Nokosu teleported to the top of his apartment balcony, he briefly knocked on the window.

"There he is," Modoru said as he walked over and let Nokosu in.

"Hey guys, sorry I took so long. Meishu had guards keeping from leaving the company." He first fist bumped Modoru and then went over to Agatha and hugged her. "So, what's our plan of action? I'm assuming it involves us not going to jail."

"I was thinking about that," Modoru said. "Here's what I propose. Meishu has an entire contingent of guards with the Xenophite in the mine. No doubt he intends to take it back. If any of us go inside the mine we'd have to deal with the guards; if we don't want to get caught. I don't want to risk anybody's safety. If it comes down to a fight, both of you are not suited for it. Only I can go in the mine without any threat to my person because of my training. I'll head into the mine myself, deal with the guards and Meishu, and be back with the Xenophite before you know it."

"By yourself? No, I don't agree, Nokosu you should go with him." Agatha said.

"Actually, I agree with that plan," Nokosu said. "There's something else I need to do while he's busy doing that."

"What's that?" both Modoru and Agatha said.

"I have to confess now. It has to do with the secret project of mine. I've been in contact with Rukaku Labs in Valkyrie City," Nokosu started. Connecting the dots, Modoru frowned.

"You know they tapped our company phones at Shibuya after our heist two years ago," Modoru said. "If what your saying is true, then Meishu found us because of you."

"I am truly sorry, but I needed to. My contact was helping with my project." Nokosu explained.

"Hun you're going to have to explain this one." Agatha said.

"Ok so, I've been practicing engineering during my spare time. This is all started after I got promoted to lead and had more time for myself. After practically begging Modoru to acquire Xenophite the legit way, I realized that we would not be able to use his C.S device for our trip home. Its been way too long for the battery to power that much Xenophite anymore. And I knew Modoru still wanted to go home," Nokosu said as he looked at both Agatha and Modoru with concern. "So, I contacted the original company that makes C.S devices – Rukaku Labs, and asked my contact to give me prototype C.S device designs. At first, it was so I could build a new C.S device for both of us to go home. But the more years passed, the more I realized we might not get enough Xenophite. So, it occurred to me to find another source of Xenophite. After a couple of tests, and with confirmation from my contact, I came to the conclusion that I myself am a source of Xenophite. We know that I can teleport on my own and I have fused with the Xenophite, but becoming a source of it was new for me. I figured that I could somehow engineer a new C.S device to register myself as a Xenophite source and make a portal home," Nokosu said as pulled out his new C.S device from his bag. It was much bigger than Modoru's C.S device. "This baby can register my whole arm and consequently myself as a Xenophite source and create a portal home."

"Nokosu that's amazing. We don't even have to go the mine, we can just create a portal home now and be done with it," Modoru said.

"That's great guys…." Agatha said with glassy eyes.

"No, Agatha you can come with us!" Modoru said.

"I can?..." Agatha said as she perked up.

"Actually, I made this as an eventuality that we couldn't enough Xenophite for both of us to go home. This new C.S device can only create a portal for one of us. Obviously, since I'm powering it, I can't go home anymore. So, it boils down to one of two things: either you can retrieve the Xenophite in the mine and I engineer a new C.S device for ALL of us to go the future, or I make a one-person portal for you Modoru." Nokosu lamented.

"Fuck…..then I'm getting that Xenophite from Meishu, I am not leaving without you…or you Agatha." Modoru said. "I guess I have something to confess too. I haven't felt more at home in years than I've had over the last two years with you two. You two are family to me. But as much as I want to live with you, the future calls me. I still feel like a stranger in this time than if I was back in the future. I won't lie, I want to go back…..but with both of you. So, I will do everything in my power to steal back that Xenophite from Meishu."

"That was beautiful man…. Ok, while you are doing that, I will start preparing both devices and look after Agatha," Nokosu said.

"Good luck Modoru, we'll be waiting in the apartment. And be careful." Agatha said.

"Thanks guys, don't worry Meishu won't know what hit him." Modoru said.