Chapter #20: The Interrogation

"We checked out your story Meishu. There are employees at your company by the names of Modoru and Nokosu. Hell, there's even video footage of them. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that two children by those same names exist in Diviner's city right now. My inference is that the two people who you employed are not of the names Modoru and Nokosu – rather con artists," said the police officer.

"…..THEN THOSE WERE THE PEOPLE WHO STOLE THE XENOPHITE!" exclaimed Meishu. "I am the lead security officer, why would I steal Xenophite for myself?"

"I don't know, but you sure did make use of it when you found it didn't you," said the officer.

"…..I was under the assumption that the two culprits were from Rukaku Labs and using the Xenophite for there own gain," explained Meishu in a hurried tone. "…des…destroying it was to deter them."

"Assumptions aside, I can't leave here without pinning something on somebody," the officer lamented. "I am sorry Meishu, but you're hereby apprehended on the crime of acquiring and destroying stolen Xenophite. You have a right to a lawyer but will stay in our holding cells for now."

"…No…n..nooo, I didn't do this. It wasn't me, you have to believe me," said Meishu who was spiralling downward into panic mode.

"Save it for the judge," the officer said. "Bring in the next interrogation!" As two more officers came into the room and locked Meishu's hands in cuffs, Meishu inwardly swore to himself. He swore that he would find Modoru and Nokosu, or whoever they were, and make them pay. They were not going to get away with this. Little did Meishu know, that he would be spending almost his entire life waiting for justice against Modoru and Nokosu.