Chapter #9: Taicho's Landing

***5 minutes later***

"Modoru….May…..where are you?!" Taicho announced into the comm. One of bullets of the assailants had pierced the hull of the bulkhead in the back of the aircraft. After losing a lot of air pressure, Taicho's C101 aircraft had to land otherwise they would crash. Ordering the rest of his platoon – who had subdued the assailants, to teleport out of the aircraft, Taicho took control of aircraft now. He steered it into a landing zone free of civilians. Taicho radioed Modoru and May one more time.

"Modoru….May...where are you?!" Taicho said. One minute later there came a response on the radio.

"Modoru here, we are outside the city gates. We fell off the aircraft as soon as you started moving it away. May is with me. What are you orders sir?" Modoru said.