Chapter #6: By the Fireplace

Getting out of the taxi now and paying the driver, Modoru reentered Kalisto's estate. He was surprised the party was still going on as he could see the lights on inside. Walking up to the door and ringing the doorbell, the first person to answer was Modoru Jr.

"Modoru!" Modoru Jr said as he hugged him. "We were worried about you!" Breaking the hug now, Modoru smiled and reassured the kid.

"It's ok kid," Modoru said. "I'll explain everything to everyone in a bit. Can you do me a favor and gather everyone around the fireplace?"

"Ok Modoru," Modoru Jr said as he went to work bounding about the room and informing everyone that Modoru was back and wanted to talk. As they all crowded around the fireplace now, Modoru took center stage in the middle of the group. Meishu, Kalisto, Taicho, the officers from Shibuya, and Modoru Jr were all there.

"Where's May?" Modoru asked.

"She's up in her room, she got really sad you had to leave and left the party early..��� Meishu said.