Chapter #9: The Catacombs - Part 2

"Get up Modoru, again," Kelly said.

As Modoru lay on the ground on his side, he cursed his ineptitude at kendo. Over the last couple of hours, Modoru had been beaten and battered by Kelly who was trying to ingrain into him the fundamentals of Kendo. However, it seemed that Modoru was not so talented with a wooden sword. It was jarring in fact that Modoru found himself at a loss for skill when it came to combat as he knew he was effective in hand to hand. However, fighting with a weapon was new to him, almost like having an awkward extension of himself. Truly, it would take him more than three weeks to master kendo. Modoru slowly got up and walked back to Kelly.

"I need a water break," Modoru said though clenched teeth.