Chapter #13: The Plan Forward

"Meishu!" both Modoru and May said.

"Do not worry about Kalisto for now, I just came from the lobby. I am well versed and already administered first aid to him. It won't hold. But it'll do for now," Meishu said with confidence. "As well, I already called in my contact inside the city. He's a doctor and does house calls covertly for me. Mostly for my officers that employ at Shibuya. He should arrive in fifteen minutes."

"That's a relief," May said.

"Good thing your up too," Modoru said.

"As much as I am glad to see you Modoru, you're going to have to explain yourself," Meishu said with his arms cross now. "Why is it your dressed in spec ops gear and here tonight? Was your intention on assassinating Kalisto as well?" Modoru stopped what he was doing and looked at Meishu and May.

"Explain Mr," May said.