Chapter #20: The Trial of the President

As Kalisto walked into the room on the left where the rest of council was currently holding a meeting, the entire room gasped. 

"Who goes there!" said one of the researchers.

"It is me my friends, do not be alarmed," Kalisto assured them.

"Kalisto? We heard you had a funeral…what is the meaning of this?" said another president.

"My untimely, supposed death came at the hands of one of our own actually," Kalisto said. "If you would let me explain, I'll shall submit my case for consideration to the council." The rest of the room stopped what they were doing and nodded, letting Kalisto take the floor. "I shall start with the recording of evidence from Modoru," Kalisto said as he played the recording of Wesley and Modoru talking. As he did so, people shifted in their seat clearly disturbed with what they had heard. As it finished, one the head researchers piped up.