Chapter #2: The Final Preparations

Over the next couple of weeks, Kalisto made his final preparations for the expedition with the council. He would make sure that each division of the expedition was well staffed and had qualified people. There would be three divisions – the security division; lead by Modoru, May and Taicho. The experimental division lead by Miru. Finally, the building division who would be led by the head researcher of Wanderer's City. Each division were to be staffed with at least ten people, making the entire expedition of about thirty people strong. Miru however, would be making sure each division's goals and work was double checked by himself, so as to ensure their quality. Each division would be taking a C101 aircraft from Valkyrie's city to the planned building site, north, of the now destroyed Diviner's City. They were to spend two weeks there collecting data and setting up camp, to see whether conditions were survivable.