Chapter #5: Revelations

***7pm. That same day. Miru's tent***

As per nightly basis of the expedition, once Modoru and his crew had arrived back at camp and had eaten, Miru called them over to his tent for a nightly summary of their findings. Squeezing closer now together in the cramped tent, Modoru surveyed his compatriots. May and Taicho were to his left while Riel was to his right. Miru was standing opposite of Modoru while the leader of building division who went by Sophie, was standing next to Miru. Modoru thought to himself that it would be better to meet outside – all they had to do was brave the cold. He held his tongue though, because the sooner they completed the meeting the better. Miru looked around to his fellow leaders of the divisions and spoke up.

"Well let's hear it boys and girls. I want a complete report on today's findings. So that we can analyze and forge our steps forward during this expedition. I'll shall let the Sophie go first," Miru said.