Aira put her phone in bed and lay down on the bed and said, 'it's such a horrible day. My first day becomes hell, AAHH the heaven turned into hell for me. What should I do?' Aira closed her eyes and sighed.

Suddenly her phone rang

She picked it.

Come quickly, save me, Aira. As she hears Dilna's feared voice, Aira runs out of her apartment. And asked her which floor is your room. I will come fast.

Dilna said, 'it's on the third floor, and my room is at the end of the floor; come fast, Aira.'

Within a second, Aira reaches the third floor, and she runs toward Dilna's room. And Aira knocked on the door. Dilna said, 'the door not locked came inside.'

Aira opened the door, and she saw Dilna standing on the table; Aira laughed after seeing that.

After seeing Aira Dilna cry out and said, 'save me, Aira.'

Aira asked, 'what happened? Why you are standing on the table. Save from what.'

Dilna said it's a cockroach. Aira suddenly screams and stands on the sofa. And Aira said in a scared voice, 'damn you, why didn't you tell me.' I'm afraid of cockroaches, where is it?'

Dilna said, 'it's under the sofa.'

Aira screams, 'AAAAAAAAHHHHH, stupid, why didn't to tell me earlier.'

She flipped onto another sofa placed near the window.

Dilna screams, 'AAAAHHH, Aira, it's coming there.'

Aira screamed and said, ' please, do something, Dilna.'

Dilna said, 'you stupid, I'm fear death, that why I called you.'

Aira said, 'save me bitch; it's come near me, AAAAAHHHHHH.'

Aira runs from there and stands at the table with Dilna. Dilna and Aira hold on to each other. Both have been afraid of Cockroach since childhood. Aira is not only afraid of Cockroaches, she is afraid of all insects, but the main fear for Dilna is a Cockroach.

Suddenly the cockroach flew. They both screamed louder, closing their eyes AAAAAAHHHHH cockroach. After hearing the scream, the person who lives next door came to their room. And he saw a Cockroach, he took the paper and beat it, and it died. After hearing the sound Aira and Dilna open their eyes as they two closed it tight in fear. And saw someone holding the cockroach near Dilna. She screams AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH and kicks his hand.

Dilna said, 'It's you, you devil, I will kill you…'

Who was that?


The rain, darkness, and thunder made a terrible scene. Angel finally talked to him as he was in the wrong direction. She said my apartment in the opposite direction. He suddenly stops the car and reverses it. He is driving fast; it's like he wants to reach her apartment as soon as possible because the hot air feeling between them will break soon.

Finally, they reached the apartment.

'Thank you, CEO,' Angel said and quickly opened the car door and ran inside.

As Angel got out, the CEO quickly started the car and left.

'That was scary, you damn why you hugged him, AAAHHHH, how I face him tomorrow,' Angel said and walked inside.

She opened the door and went to her room and lay on her bed. And thinking about the thing just happened.

She said to herself, 'he tried to kiss me again. No, that not; it's not that; No, he tried. What should I do? How I face him tomorrow. AAAAAAAHHHHH... '

*Beep* *Beep*

She got a message in WeChat. She read it.

Don't forget to bring me breakfast tomorrow. It's the message from the CEO.

'How dare you? How dare you message me after you did that to me?

AAAAAAAAHHHHH....' Angel said, looking at the message.

Suddenly Angel stood up from the bed and asked herself, 'how I will bring breakfast. I have not talked yet to her.'

'I will ask her first,' she said and went to her roommate's room. She saw the door was open, she entered inside and called, 'hello, hello, you're here.'

No one replies. Angel said, 'she is not yet here. It's raining; I hope she is okay.'

Angel wrote a note and put it on her table and went to her room and replied to the CEO's message, okay.


Few hours before CEO messaging Angel….

The CEO drives fast after dropping Angel, and he thinks only about her lips all the way. He reached his home, and quickly ran to his room, and went inside the washroom. He quickly turns on the shower, and he stands under it as he feels super heavy heat all over his body.

He is not okay, it feels like he really falls for Angel, but he doesn't want to accept it because he loves another girl. The situation made him awful.

He said to himself, 'she is not the one, she is not important.'

But he can't forget; his mind full with her smile, her cute pretty face, and the kiss they had, and the warmth of the hug.

He hit his hand on the wall. He stands under the shower for a few minutes. After cooling himself down, he went out of the washroom with wet hair and wet dress. He took the bath towel from the drawer and wore it.

He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge and took the chocolate from it and looked at it and said, 'I only love; ono ne can take that place, I will not allow anyone.'

He went to his room and sat down on the floor and eat chocolate. And he closed his eyes and thought about the chocolate girl. What he saw is not the chocolate girl's face; he saw Angel's face instead. The CEO suddenly opens his eyes; it's like he can't remember the chocolate girl's face. It seems his feeling was changed; the Angel influenced him lots.

He took his phone and sent a message to Angel, don't forget to bring me breakfast tomorrow. He stared at the phone for long and waited for her message. He felt frustrated because Angel didn't reply yet. He continually looked at his phone. After a few minutes later, he received her reply. He became happy unconditionally.

Is he really falling for her?


Who is the person who lives next door to Dilna?

What is going to happen between Angel and the CEO?

To find out, read the next chapter.


"Sometimes, we are afraid of small insects, but they are not scarier than the people around us."