Suddenly Angel laughed, looking at Kmelia and said, 'you are like a kid, the food is on your face.'

Kmeila smiled and tried to wipe it, but it's not the exact position.

'I will help,' Angel said, and she raised her hand towards Kmelia.

Suddenly Kmelia screams, 'don't touch me, don't touch me.'

Kmelia pushed Angel's hand.

Angel didn't understand why Kmelia did that, and she looked at her with confused eyes. Angel saw Kmelia is not herself, and she ran to her room suddenly.

Suddenly the place changed in front of Kmelia. Kmelia felt she is standing in front of the building. Kmelia turned around and about to walk suddenly, she heard a screaming sound, and something strongly touched the ground. That sound made Kmelia stop. She became frozen and afraid to look back. She stood there in a panic.

Suddenly she heard someone calling, 'Lia, Lia, Please help me; Lia, Lia, please help me.'

Kmelia turned around, closing her eyes. She slightly opened her eyes and saw a bloodful hand rising towards Kmelia.

Her body is full of blood. Kmelia ran towards her. She holds Kmelia's hand, the blood spread in Kmelia's hand.

'Lia, save me; Lia, save me; I don't want to die; save me, Lia; save me, Lia…,' She cried.

Kmelia kneels down beside her holding her arm and cries but the loud crying sound of her did not come out as Kmelia is mute from childhood. Kmelia never speaks.

Kmelia wants to scream, please, someone help, but her disability made her helpless. Kmelia looked around, no one there. Kmelia kneeled down beside her and said in mind, God, please help us, help my Sinar.

Sinar slowly closed her eyes, and Kmelia felt the heartbeat decreasing. And the coldness of Sinar's body increased.

Kmelia said in her mind, ' No! God, please help us.'

Kmelia is helpless; she can't do anything; she cries louder as she realizes her beloved friend Sinar is no more. Suddenly the rain started Kmelia and Sinar drenched. The water is all mixed with the blood. Kmelia kneels drenched in the rain holding her beloved Sinar in her arms and cries loudly.

The rain, blood, and the darkness of the sky, the pain, and sorrow made the situation terrible.

That made the little girl Kmelia become weak, and the scare she faced there made her mental health weak. The facing of her beloved one die in front of her is the most Unforgettable thing in her life.

Kmelia hugged her tight and cried louder, 'Sinar…'

It's the first time Kmelia speaks. But her Beloved friend is not there to hear her voice.

Kmelia screamed, looking at the sky, 'Sinar.....AAAAAAHHHHH....'

Angel startled after hearing Kmelia's Scream. She walked towards Kmelia's room. Angel saw Kmelia kneel down in the corner of the room, closing her eyes, and she was murmuring something. Angel slowly walked towards Kmelia.

'Don't leave me, don't leave me,' Kmelia is whispering.

Angel finds out Kmelia is facing a trauma. Angel suddenly hugged Kmelia, and she comforts her patting on the head, and she said, 'it��s okay; it's okay; I'm here; I'm here; it's okay.'

Kmelia hugged back Angel tight and cried out louder and called Angel Sinar and said, 'don't leave me, Sinar. Don't leave me.'

Angel said, 'I won't leave you; it's okay, it's okay.'

Kmelia felt very relaxed, and she tried to open her eyes. She opened her eyes and hugged Angel tight. Kmelia no longer fears Angel's touch. It's the first time after the incident, Kmelia allows anyone to touch her. Kmelia felt very relieved.

Angel helped Kmelia stand up, and she gave a glass of water to Kmelia. Kmelia drank it at one shot.

Angel asked, 'are you okay now?'

Kmelia nodded, but the eyes filled with tears.

Angel helped her to sit in the bed. Kmelia asked can you help me to get the medicine it's in my drawer.

'Sure,' said Angel, and Angel walked over to the drawer.

Angel saw a medical report, and she looked at it. In the report written as Haphephobia. Angel understood why Kmelia acted like that, but at the same time, she wondered why she didn't feel differently when she hugged her. Angel brought the medicine, and she gave it to Kmelia.

"Thank you," Kmelia said.

Angel said, 'Sleep tight now, and don't think about anything.'

Kmelia smiled and said, 'thank you, Angel unnie.'

(Unnie is the Korean word; meaning older sister.)

Angel became very happy after hearing that. Angel always wanted a younger sister who calls her unnie. The happiness in Angel came out as tears, as it was the first time someone called her Unnie with lots of love. Angel hugged Kmelia and said, 'yes, I'm your unnie. You can call me unnie.'

Kmelia doesn't know why she felt very happy around Angel. It's like she gets a feeling of safety from her, and she felt a sister's love from her. And Kmelia doesn't know what makes her too attached to Angel. Angel becomes happy after that. It's like she got the love of a sister, which she waited for a long time.

Angel helped Kmelia lay down on the bed, and she sat beside her and slowly patted her head, which helped Kmelia sleep. Angel looked at the sleepy face of the Kmelia and smiled brightly.

Angel is about to get up, but Kmelia holds her hand tightly. Angel sat and looked at Kmelia. Angel saw Kmelia having a nightmare.

'Don't leave me; don't leave me,' Kmelia is murmuring in her sleep.

Angel patted on Kmelia's head and said, 'I won't leave, I'm here, it's okay, it's okay.'

That helped Kmelia calm down, and she started to sleep peacefully.

Angel looked at sleeping Kmelia and said, 'thank you for coming to my life and giving me this happiness. I'm not alone now; I have a sister now.'

The loneliness which Angel hides for past years in her heart all come out; the drop of tears falls down.

Angel and Kmelia are not lonely anymore they two become a sister. Angel becomes Kmelia's older sister, and Kmelia becomes Angel's lill sister.


A drop of tears falls down from Aira's eyes after listening to the song. The Lyrics touch her heart. And the feelings she tried to hide with her busy life all come down in the form of tears. She touched her necklace and said in her mind, 'Lar, I miss you lots.'


So that was the most beautiful feeling. So it was dedication from Lar.

Aira suddenly stops the car.

So the soldier Taylar dedicated this song to her beloved girlfriend. He wrote that he loves her lots. They are in long-distance love and didn't see each other for long; he is missing her lots. Wow, that's cute.

Aira suddenly turned off the FM and went out of the car. She can't hide the pain. Everyone became confused and asked, 'what happened?'

Only Dilna understands that she becomes sad about Lar.

Dilna said, 'let me handle it. Wait here.'

Aira walks little holding her necklace, and the pain is in her eyes.

Aira heard someone sound, 'cry if you want.'

Aira turned around; it's Dilna.

Aira smiled, looking at her.

'Stop giving this fake smile to me. Cry if you want, this shoulder is waiting for you,' Dilna said as she walked towards Aira.

Aira tried to smile, but she couldn't, the tears fell down. She hugged Dilna tight.

'I can't control myself, Dilna. This pain, I can't hide. It's hurting, Dilna, it's hurting,' Aira said, and the crying sound made the sentence become painful.

Dilna's eyes filled with tears.

She hugged Aira tightly and said, 'cry as much as you want. Everything will be fine. He will come, Aira. Do not lose hope. He will definitely come, Aira. Don't cry, my baby. '

Santi, Wanti, and Mason came out from the car and walked towards Aira and hugged her.

Mason said, 'you stupid we are with you, then why are you crying?'

Santi and Wanti said, 'yes we four with you, Aira, you are our everything. Why are you crying? Don't cry, baby.'

They comfort Aira without knowing why she cried. That is sometimes we call them an undemanding friend who cares about each other without anything demanding; they don't need to hear the reason that makes them cry; they only care about the happiness of the beloved ones.

That sometimes, we believe God exists because God gives us someone when we are alone, helpless, and need someone to accompany us. And we don't need 100 days to become close to entering into someone's heart, only a second need to become someone's favorite. And we will feel each other's struggle without asking anything.

That is the feeling which destiny gives us. And it's fate who decides it.

Two people with different types of pain all because of love; they loved them unconditionally that made them survive with pain.

But they get someone who holds them tight and comforts them with a warm hand. God gave Angel to Kmelia, and for Aira, God gave four precious people Dilna, Mason, Santi, and Wanti. Because everyone must need someone to share their pains, hurt, sadness, happiness, loss, victory, everything, we can't live alone in this world, we need someone.


Will God play with them and make this happiness despaired?

Will Angel help Kmelia to recover from her past? Or is there any other pain waiting for both Kmelia and Angel?

Will Aira meet Lar?


"Sometimes, we don't need a blood relation to become someone's sister or unnie. A hidden attachment makes two people related, and the sister's love will spread there."


Hi my precious readers,

I know you guys are curious to know about their past, and how Lar and Aira become in love and the story between Kmelia and Sinar. And curious about all the things. Please wait for more chapters. As its only start, there are lots to come. Please bear with me. I hope you all are enjoying it. If any suggestions, please give it in the comment section. Happy reading...