Dilna, Santi, and Wanti gave an evil smile to Aira and Mason.

Aira shyly smiled as she understood what that evil smile means. Mason didn't understand what that meant.

Dilna said, 'honey, it's time for your punishment, Hehehe.'

Santi said, let's start with Mason. I want to see what you prepared for Mason, Dil.'

Dilna gave an evil smile to mason and said, 'Mason, let get ready for your punishment.'

Dilna came back after a few minutes.

Santi asked, 'where Mason is?'

Dilna said, 'You devil, come fast who you are waiting for.'

As mason came, everyone laughed so hard.

Santi and Wanti said, 'OMG, who is this?'

It is an outlandish costume featuring only Dilna can come up with it. His distinctive makeup, Rainbow color wigs, exaggerated footwear, and the mixed bright color clothing. He really looks like a comedian. His face base makeup color is a variation of dark pink, and the mouth is a thick outline with green color. And the oversized costume with that bold multiple colors made the laugh spread there. He is the real circus joker.

Dilna laughed and said, 'let me take your photo and post it in the college forum.'

Dilna posted it in the forum. Mason didn't disagree or scold Dilna for it. If anyone else other than these four do this to him, he will beat them dead.

Wanti said, 'Sweetie, now your turn.'

Aira shyly smiles and runs.

Dilna said, 'Santi, Wanti, catch her. Aira baby did you forget what you did to me.'

'I don't remember anything,' Aira said and gave an imbecile smile.

'Someone is trying to act innocent; San, Wan, grab her. Let's remind her that,' Dilna said.

Santi, Wanti, and Dilna run after Aira, and finally, they catch her.

After a few minutes…

Santi said, 'Tadaa...'

Mason started to laugh, looking at Aira.

'Don't laugh, you stupid; you are looking worse than me,' Aira said.

Everyone laughed, it's so funny…

Aira is in a grandpa's costume. White and black herringbone hat with attached grey hair, black glasses with attached gray eyebrows, and a gray mustache with adhesive backing and the fake denture, and the old fashioned shirt and vest with the tie made Aira look funny.

Dilna said, 'let's take a photo of these two and post it in the forum.' They started to take a photo of them. Aira and Mason sat there with an irritated face.

Dilna said, wow! Aira, you got lots of likes, and they are saying, 'you look cute.'

Aira said, 'cute my foot.'

Everyone laughed.

'Okay, okay, so the punishment section finished. Now, what is next?' Wanti asked.

Mason said, 'let's eat.'

Dilna asked, 'do you know anything else other than eating.'

Everyone laughed.

Santi said, 'let's play a game.

Everyone said, 'yes.'

Santi picked up a bottle and said, 'Let's play the truth or dare. If you choose the truth, then ask the question yes or no, and if the answer is yes, drink the bitter guard juice; If the answer is no, you should not drink. For dare, you need to pick a dare from the box and do what is written on it, and if you can't do it, drink salt water. Is everything clear? '

Everyone said, 'yes, let's play.'

They start to play, Santi rolls the bottle, and the bottle points towards Wanti first.

'Truth or dare?' Santi asked.

Wanti said, 'truth.'

'HEHEEH, let me ask you then, did you steal my chocolate last night?' Santi asked.

Wanti shyly smiled and took the bitter guard juice glass and drank it one shot and acted as nothing happened.

Santi said, 'you devil, it's you, and you told me it's a ghost.'

Everyone laughed.

'Are you okay?' Aira asked with teasing.

Wanti said, 'you will find out soon, my baby, let's play.'

Wanti rolled the bottle, and it pointed towards Dilna.

'Truth or dare?' Wanti asked.

Dilna said, 'dare.'

Everyone scream, 'OOOHHHH.'

Dilna took one paper from the bottle and read and said, 'no way; who made this stupidity.'

Everyone said, 'do it babe; or drink this one glass of salt water.'

Dilna said, 'saltwater, yuck, no way.'

'Then do it,' Santi said.

Dilna starts to act like a Monkey and she makes monkey sounds.

Aira said, 'Awww, it's funny.'

'Took her video Wanti,' Santi said. They took the video of Dilna.

Dilna said, 'now my turn, HEHEHE; you guys are going to die.'

Dilna rolled the bottle, and the bottle pointed towards Santi.

Dilna asked, 'truth or Dare?'

Santi said, 'truth.'

Dilna asked, 'did you pee in panties when you were a kid while sleeping?'

Santi giggled and said, 'Dil, you did that too.'

Dilna looked at Mason and became pale and awkwardly said, 'what are you saying, Santi. I didn't.'

Santi said, 'then I will make you remember by telling the details.'

Dilna suddenly closed Santi's mouth and said, 'sweetie, I'm wrong.'

Santi said, 'then let's share the drink.'

Dilna said, 'no way.'

Santi said, 'then I will tell them about it.'

Dilna suddenly took half a glass of saltwater and drank it one shot.

'Is it sweet, right?' Wanti asked, and she giggled.

Aira laughed loudly.

Dilna said, 'sweetie, your turn will come soon.'

Santi drank the half glass of salt water in one shot and rolled the bottle.

The bottle points towards mason.

Santi asked, 'truth or dare?'

Mason said, 'dare.'

Mason took the paper from the bottle and said, 'thank god. It's simple.'

'What is so simple? Let me take a look,' Dilna said, and she grabbed the note.

Dilna read, 'sing a song.'

Dilna and Aira said, 'no way, every close your ears.'

Santi and Wanti didn't understand what that meant.

Suddenly Mason started to sing.

Santi and Wanti looked at him in freezing. And they asked, 'is this punishment for us?'

Mason doesn't know how to sing a song; if he sang, the whole world would run. He is roaring like a bull, and everyone closed their ears.

Dilna said, 'OHOH, finished a world war.'

Everyone laughed.

Mason hit on Dilna's head and sat near her, and he started to roll the bottle. Finally, it points towards Aira.

Mason asked, 'Dare or Truth?'

Aira said, 'Dare.'

Aira is afraid to choose the truth because she hid lots of things from them.

'I will pick one for you,' Dilna said, and she took one paper from the bottle and gave it to Aira.

Aira opened it and read it in her mind, and she became upset after reading it.

What is that?

Why did she become upset? What wrote in that paper?

Curious… let's read the next chapter to find out.


"Sometimes we are afraid to choose the truth because we hide lots of secrets in our mind and we don't want to share it with anyone."