Rave gave water to Lar and sat beside him and said Lar, 'what are you going to do now? As from today's drama; I'm sure my guess is correct, he is just a friend what you think.'

Lar nodded.

Rave got mad and said, 'your cold tone; what I feel now is I want to kill you. You calm. And worrying about you.'

Oh, Lar said.

Rave stood up and said, 'look, snowman, I'm going to tell her, you love her lots.'

'Rave, you are acting up. You forgot what she did to me,' Lar said.



The day before New Year's Eve…

Lar was so happy to meet Jo for the first time in person. He looked at the phone, and he smiled, looking at the picture of his Jo, which was sent by Rave.

'I'm coming, Jo; I'm coming to Busan. Let's meet as we planned,' he said, sitting in the plane.