Angel finished her work and ready to go home, suddenly Alan came to her cabin and said, 'let's go.'

Angel asked, 'where?'

'Madam, you forgot?' Alan asked.

Angel looked in shock and asked, 'forgot what?'

'Best, you said you would give me a party today and asked me to have dinner together, and you forgot about it,' Alan asked.

'OH! I forgot, really. Let's go now. I will compensate for forgetting about it,' Angel said.

'Then let's watch a movie as a compensation,' Alan said.

'Okay, let's watch the movie too. I'm bored at home, anywise,' Angel said.

Alan becomes happy after hearing that, and he nodded.

Angel agreed with Alan for a movie date, as it may be the last chance to spend time with him before she is going to Landon. Angel wants to give him a happy goodbye before going. So she didn't deny it.