Lar hugged her and said, 'don't worry, I won't do anything to you without your permission.'

He was such a gentleman.

 Aira smiled and said, 'then let me go. It's awkward if they get to know that I slept here.'

'Let them know it,' Lar said.

'Lar, no Gege will get angry if he finds out,' Aira said.

'Don't care about him. You are my girlfriend now, I have full rights, Said him to go,' Lar said.

'Lar,' Aira looked at him in anger.

Lar made an innocent face and asked, 'is it necessary to go now.'

Aira nodded.

'Aira, let them know about us,' Lar said.

'No, it won't now. Give me some time. I will tell them. It's not a good time, especially since Gege was angry with you,' Aira said.

'Why do you care about him? If he is angry let him, why we care,' Lar said.

'Lar… it's my Gege. He is important for me,' Aira said.

'More than me?' Lar asked. Possessiveness.

'Little more than you,' Aira said.