Dilna was sitting there silent and the things made her confused because Dilna knows more about Aira than others. Of course she knows the Mansion is owned by Aira's Grana. It's Aira's home town but what surprised her most was Grana is the owner of the college. If she is the owner then she might already know Aira is here. That's more like something is going on, especially Aira doesn't have any clue that the college is owned by Grana.

'Let's go there!' Suddenly Dilna said.

'What! Are you crazy? We have college tomorrow and are absent on the first day of semester. That's not good,' Santi said.

'I don't care, I will go there for sure,' Dilna said.

'Dil, San is correct. It's not good to skip the first class of the semester. Princy will punish us for sure,' Wanti said.

'Dil babe, don't be dramatic. Let's wait for the weekend, we will go there together,' Santi said. 

'Dilna, I agree with you. I will come too,' James suddenly said.