The Countdown Begins

…Anastasia POV…

I cannot believe the words that have come from Sebastian's lips. I cannot say which I feel the most, shock or surprise. Never have I taken to the idea to become someone's wife serious. I never considered it in my mortal years, and when I became immortal, I did not think that something such as this would be possible. Do Vampires even get married?

Now it should be an easy answer, for I love Sebastian with more than every fiber of my body, and we shall, after all, be together for eternity. Why then is there hesitation for me to answer him, should I even dare to say that I shall considerer his proposal?

But now another idea comes to mind. Does he mean this, or did he indeed only say this in the moment of ecstasy. I am sure a man such as Sebastian, who lived a life where he had women in abundance, has never considered such a drastic step in any relationship.