Cheating The Seven Spells

It is said that if you follow a plan step by step that it should not fail, so why do we find ourselves facing an empty void of nothing? If this man is casting these spells in the order that it should be done, then there should be a rip in reality, a tear from which bright light should come. But instead, we are standing at the entrance of the crypt, where many of the elder Vampires have come to their final resting place. Perhaps he just finds himself to be slow, or he is having trouble in performing the spell as they do become more difficult the stronger they become.

So while we patiently wait for something that is best to not happen at all, I dial Edward to find out how things are at his end.

"My dear Edward, any sign of unrest with Connor and his pack?"

"Sebastian, they do not seem to be here."

"Like taken or just gone?"

"That I cannot tell you, but something does seem odd."