The Act Of A Child

It seems that normalcy has once returned to the Belmond House; my beloved is no longer furious at me for my little transgression. But let me not get ahead of myself, for my beloved has once again gone against my orders. Now, if I were not so eager to beg for her forgiveness, she would have felt the wrath of disobeying me come down on her. So this leaves us with some explaining to do.

Now, if this will go down as desired with Edward and Lilith, it is yet to be seen. I am leaning yes to Lilith and no to Edward, and as for Stefan, well, the boy shall be quite ecstatic. So this is how we find ourselves; my beloved and I are making our way to the usual spot where they occupy themselves. Though the thing is that we are not alone, with us is who is referred to as my daughter. Yes, my beloved has so kindly brought the child with us after I clearly instructed her that we shall find her a place with a good Vampire home.