An Offer You Can Refuse

We are finding ourselves at the foot of a mountain, which this Vampire cannot climb. So our quest in a quest begins to find the one mortal that shall do so for me instead. Now we do not have much time to waste; for one, Anastasia seems to have wandered off, and second, there truly is not much time.

We have now gone into a second day to find the one thing that shall save Anastasia, which leaves us hopefully with another three, but in all honesty, it should be two. Getting us back home will take us into another day. With Edward armed by my side, we head off to the one place where we shall find an eager, so to say, victim.

So Edward takes a seat next to a rather young gentleman, I would guess the same age I was before I was turned. Now the question begs, what does it take to buy a mortal over?