Greater Evil Than Known

My beloved, Anastasia, has opened Pandora's box.

Now the girl has done some crazy things, but this is by far the worst that she has done. I am starting to understand that if you tell a woman one thing, she does the opposite. Well, next time I shall tell her what to do and then she will not do it. But somehow, I don't think that I need to test that theory.

So the Windchaser boys and me, inclusive of Bobby, have just arrived at the Belmont House. I have no idea what lies ahead of us. The box is set to release all the evils that one can find. It is also believed to confess what one deeply desires. Now, don't we all desire things that are pure evil and selfish in a way?

Well, this brings me to why? Why did my beloved open this box? The girl should be in bed nursing the baby in her belly.

But before we shall come to that matter, I have Morgana standing behind me telling me that she has gotten the prophecy wrong. So this does indeed spark my attention first.