The Evil Is Born

It is with a heavy heart that we make our way through the tunnel; as we go along, we slay whatever we find in our path. The sole purpose now is to get to Anastasia. The thoughts of leaving Breyden behind are sitting deep in our throats and are rather hard to swallow at the moment.

Then out of nowhere, I hear the shrill screams of Lilith echo down the tunnel. I immediately rush over to her side. The first thing that enters my mind is that she must have been overpowered by a demon.

But as I come closer, I see the very thing that she has been expressing her terror at.

"My god, Breyden. Where? How? I thought you are dead."

"It hurts that you have such little faith in me. My dear Sebastian, you know that I can teleport."

"Oh, that is true. Now, I am glad to say that we all are feeling far better now that we have seen you. But it is time to push on."