The Guardian Angel

Liang looked at the sharp-eyed woman sitting in front of him.

Why does he feel an urge to spill everything about him whenever he meets those deep black eyes. Liang's mind was in confusion.

"You know my name, Liang, it is Dai Liang. And I am sorry that I can't disclose any further details about me." Liang said with a straight face.

"The only thing you should know is that you are safe here."

He seems genuine.

But there is something mysteriously odd with him. Li Juan looked at him in caution.

Okay, don't disclose any details, Let me find it myself- Li Juan decided in her mind.

"So you say this is your house?" Li Juan looked all around the room and asked him.


"I see." There was a glint of a smile in Li Juan's lips. "I'm sorry that I misunderstood you as a doctor. You know, your skills were pretty clean," Li Juan appreciated him.

"I will take that as a compliment." Liang smiled upon realizing that Li Juan is trying to find who he was, like the way how he played with her just a moment ago. He willingly agreed with her.

He always wanted to test the intelligence of the renowned Li Juan, the ace of the archaeology department.

"You are not a doctor, I see plenty of books here and I haven't seen a doctor who gets enough time to read.

Not to mention that these books are of various genres, history, medicine, architecture, politics economics etc, that means you are a hardcore reader."

"Reading helps me in my business," Liang said casually.

"Yes, it is. But nobody builds bookshelves in their bedroom unless they are a hard-core reader who studies by their own. Your University marks should be a record." Li Juan said with a high tone.

"Yes. Indeed." Liang suppressed his amusement and tried to keep a calm face.

"I hear the chirpings of birds and rustlings of leaves and the air is surprisingly fresh and pure. I guess we are in the countryside or maybe we are no longer in Xi City.

Winter was almost over in Xi city, here I can smell the floral scents in the breeze, that means we are somewhere near the tropics were plants started blooming and maybe on an island." Li Juan expressed her thoughts on the place where she is staying.

"To be precise, my vacation home," Liang corrected her.

"Oh, that's cool. You own a vacation home on an island, reads a lot, well mannered." Li Juan scanned Liang top to bottom.

His tall stature and well-built physique reminded her of an aloof bodyguard, but the haughtiness hidden under his eyes shows that he is a leader who sets rules for others.

"I don't think you are a stalker." Li Juan flashed a smile. "I can definitely strike out the option of a bodyguard too.

You don't even look like a person who is willing to work under other's orders. Maybe you are just helping someone by keeping me safe."

Li Juan smiled confidently.

"You wanted to make sure that whoever tried to attack me, must believe that their target is dead. That's why you shot me in the first place."

Li Juan looked directly into Liang's deep eyes. She saw an overwhelming surprise and amusement in his face.

Liang was expecting Li Juan to be scared or throw tantrums when she founds that he is the one who tried to kill her. But she did what is exactly opposite. She carefully analysed the circumstances and concluded that he was trying to help her.

The moment Liang helped Li Juan to disinfect her wound, she realized that misunderstood the person whom she met in the dream.

He wasn't an enemy.

His gentle touch and kind gestures were enough to prove that he is a protector.

He shot her in order to keep her safe.

He was her saviour.

He followed her everywhere like a shadow and protected her like a guardian angel.

"It was a clear cut flesh wound. That means you are an experienced shooter and you know how to treat a bullet wound." Li Juan stopped for a moment.

"You had your military training, hadn't you? maybe a front runner in that too."

Liang was at the epitome of Amusement. He never thought that Li Juan could find about him by noticing the little details around her.

"And we've met before, on the way to the monastery and you had a beard, na- a stubble beard." Li Juan unknowingly smiled her best smile.

Liang involuntarily touched his clean shaved chin. He shaved his beard off on this very morning.

Liang looked at Li Juan, despite the tiredness in her face, the morning sun rays had made her honey-coloured skin brighter and livelier. Her big black eyes were sparkling.

And her smile, Liang never seen someone with such a beautiful smile. She looked like a goddess. Liang was mesmerized with the beauty that he took a moment to realized that his mind is wandering somewhere else.

Hey, what are you thinking, Focus? Liang cursed inside.

Liang quickly regained his consciousness.

"I must say that I'm impressed, Miss Li Juan. I was wondering what would've made Tang Wei Sheng to still hang upon his first love even after living in abroad.

And I am sure that if they had kidnapped you, Tang Wei Sheng would've traded everything to get you back." Liang smiled and continued, "it is an honour to meet a peerless genius like you, Miss Li Juan."

Liang sounded genuine in expressing his true feelings.

"You are flattering me, Mr Liang. Li Juan chuckled. I would be happy if you tell me who you are?" An evil but cute grin appeared on her face. Li Juan tried once again to know the truth about him.

"Oh please. Why don't we keep it simple?" Liang told her when Li Juan switched the topic to his identity.

"I am Liang and you are Li Juan, that's it. Trust me, knowing too much will become a burden for you. So why don't you trust me and stay here for a while?" Liang proposed a fair deal.

"Okay, I agree. But what about Wei Sheng Ge, Is he alright?" Li Juan was worried. She assured him that she will return as soon as possible and look at what happened now?

"Yes. He is still in Jing City. Let us wait for a while to calm the sea. Then I'll reach out for him." Liang assured her.

"Can I talk to him?" Li Juan wanted to hear Tang Wei Sheng's voice. She wanted to make sure that he is alright.

"I am afraid that's not possible." Li Juan looked at him with anxious eyes.

"I think someone is tracking his phone calls. Please wait for a while and I will look for a solution." Liang seemed well aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Li Juan didn't want to persuade him anymore.

"Okay. So only two of us are living here?" Li Juan asked Liang. She was the only girl in the research team and she didn't find it difficult in staying with men. There were only a few female archaeologists in the field and they were always alone with a bunch of male colleagues.

But in the current situation, it felt a little awkward for Li Juan. After all, He was a mysterious man who knows so many secrets about her.

"Practically yes; But since you are here, I asked one of the neighbours to help you out.

Do you need to refill it?" Liang looked at the empty bowl in front of him and asked Li Juan.

"No. I' am full. Can you remove the needle?" Li Juan asked him.

"Yeah, sure, let me keep this away."

Liang took the empty bowls and left the room and came back in a minute. He sat beside Li Juan and held her arm. And slowly removed the cannula from her arm and pressed the cotton to avoid any further bleeding.

Li Juan kept her lips pursed and was busy checking her tousled hair.

Liang looked at Li Juan's clumsy actions and she was trying to tie her hair with one hand.

"May I help you?" Liang asked her.

"If you don't mind," Li Juan looked at him with an apologetic expression.

Liang slowly stroked her hair and tried to tie it into a ponytail. Li Juan's voluminous hair was slipping down from his palm.

He was having trouble holding her hair. Li Juan noticed the confusion in Liang's face. Dr Liang, Do you know how to tie hair? She looked at him with a smirk.

"I know, I have done it before." Liang confidently stated.

"But your hair is too voluminous." Liang loosened his grip on her hair and it fell beautifully into Li Juan's pretty face.

"Wait a minute." Liang went towards the closet and brought a scarf. Li Juan looked at the piece of cloth in Liang's hand.

It was a pretty pink scarf with prints of plum blossoms in it- it was evident that a macho man like him doesn't own this cutesy scarf.

The owner of the scarf must be a girl. Li Juan was curious.

Liang sat beside Li Juan and tied her hair into a ponytail with the scarf.

His enigmatic face perfectly hid the clumsiness while tying Li Juan's hair. Liang said that he has done it before, and yet his hands were shaky.

Li Juan looked at him and tried to control her laughter.

"Done." Liang rose from the bed.

"Thank you. Dr Liang, can I take a look around your house?" Li Juan asked him.

"Of course, feel free to make yourself home." Liang looked at Li Juan and prepared to help her get out of the bed.

Li Juan slowly removed the quilt covering her body to find her bare beautiful legs. The oversized shirt dress she was wearing only reached slightly above her knees.

Liang avoided the stunning view in front of his eyes. "I will get you some clothes," Liang told Li Juan without looking at her.

"It is fine, where did you keep the clothes which I wore before?" Li Juan asked him.

"I think aunty Hu took care of it, let me ask her." Liang walked towards the door, suddenly he stopped in tracks.

"There are some clothes in the closet. I don't know whether it fits you, just try them." Liang told her and went out.

Li Juan slowly rose from the bed; she supported herself with the wall and walked towards the closet. Li Juan looked her in the mirror. Her complexion looked pale and face showed tiredness.

Around her neck and collar bone, there were faded hickeys.

The hickeys were left by Tang Wei Sheng, before returning to Jing city.

Her face reddened with shyness and embarrassment.

Liang would have noticed it earlier. It would be better if she takes a hot bath to lose the dizziness. And of course, try to remove these hickeys.

"Young Miss," someone called her.

"I'm here," Li Juan replied loud enough to hear from the closet. Women in fifties came looking for her. This must be the neighbour that Liang has mentioned.

"Hi, I am Li Juan," Li Juan introduced herself.

"My name is Hu Lan Xi," the neighbour said with a cold face.

Upon seeing Li Juan next to the shelves, she assumed that Li Juan was looking for clothes.

"Young miss, clothes are kept on the last shelf."

"Oh, thank you." Li Juan smiled to show her gratitude.

"Are you going to shower?" Hu Lan Xi asked her.

"I wish!" Li Juan looked at the wound at her shoulder.

"Let me help you." Hu Lan Xi came forward.

Huh? Is she going to help her to bathe? Li Juan was in confusion.

"I will prepare a hot bath for you." Hu Lan Xi swiftly ignored Li Juan went inside the washroom.

Okay, the neighbour seems like a cold person. Does she have to keep her boundaries with Aunty Hu?

Li Juan let out a sigh and opened the shelf. The shelf was filled with different types of women clothing including inner wears and sandals.

The dresses hung in the shelves were beautiful bright Boho style clothes which gave perfect vacation vibes.

"Young miss, your hot bath is ready." Hu Lan Xi came out of the washroom and notified.

"Aunty Hu, whose clothes are these?" Li Juan asked her.

"Young master brought them for young Miss."

"For me?" Li Juan was spellbound. Liang brought clothes for her, that too vacation clothes including inner wears?

Hu Lan Xi cleared her throat, "For his girlfriend."

"Does he have a girlfriend?" Li Juan was surprised.

"Do you want me to help you to undress?" Hu Lan Xi immediately changed her topic.

"No. No thanks," Li Juan got flustered. "I can handle it."

"Fine, don't let the water enter into your wounds." Hu Lan Xi told her.

"Okay." Li Juan took the bathrobe and went inside the bathroom.

The bathroom was spacious.

There was a shower area as well as a bathtub.

Hot water was filled in the tub with some essential oils and flower petals. Li Juan smirked.

She felt like she has been treated like a princess.

"Princess Li Juan!!! it sounds good!"